Hi all,

I apologize if this is not the right place to ask these kind of questions but could not think about anything better.

My scenario is as follows:
- one hosted svn repo for daily work
- one local svn repo as fallback, synchronized daily against the hosted repo

The problem is with the changing URLs whenever we need to switch from the hosted repo to the local repo:
1) We need to relocate all our working copies
2) We need to fix all POMs by replacing all occurrences of the hosted URL with the local URL
3) Commit all changes
4) Reconfigure Continuum with the new POMs

I am thinking about using some proxy server to do the URL rewriting. So everything will work as it was on the local repo, but if the URL rewriting is activated then local URLs would be transformed to hosted URLs.

Is there a better solution?

Thanks for advice,

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