Karl Heinz Marbaise schrieb am 19.12.2023 05:31 (GMT +07:00):

> first try to build your whole project on plain command line

I agree 100%.

> after that you can try your IDE .. because IntelliJ has an integrated
> version

Which can easily be changed in the settings. I would post a screenshot,
but this ML is text-only. Therefore, I am pasting both the settings path
and the settings link instead:

File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven


I never tested any Maven 4 alpha (or any other Maven alpha or beta)
before, but got curious what would happen. So, I simply pointed IDEA to
Maven 4 alpha 10 and ran the project that happened to be open anyway, in
this case AspectJ Maven Plugin. I can build from IDEA without any
issues, including unit and (Invoker) integration tests. Of course, there
might be many IDE integration problems that my quick smoke test did not
reveal, because it is a single-module project without a lot of exotic
plugins, but basically I see no reason why a Maven build from IDEA would
yield a result any different from a console-driven one.

Alexander Kriegisch

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