Maven 3 warnings: Failure to transfer asm:asm/maven-metadata.xml

2013-01-10 Thread pradeep
while building giraph jar with depedencies we are getting following warnings.. really not sure how to resolve these.. we already tried useProjectArtifact as false and unpack as true both dosent seem to work any suggestion how to resolve these...?? [WARNING] Failure to transfer

Re: Maven 3 warnings: Failure to transfer asm:asm/maven-metadata.xml

2013-01-10 Thread Olivier Lamy
did you try adding the wagon-file as an extension ? (it's not anymore included with maven 3.x) extensions extension groupIdorg.apache.maven.wagon/groupId artifactIdwagon-file/artifactId version2.1/version /extension /extensions 2013/1/10 pradeep

Re: Maven 3 warnings: Failure to transfer asm:asm/maven-metadata.xml

2013-01-10 Thread pradeep
Just tried with extension still no success.. build extensions extension groupIdorg.apache.maven.wagon/groupId artifactIdwagon-file/artifactId version2.1/version /extension /extensions plugins plugin