By the way, I found in the FAQs for the javadoc plugin the information
on how to deploy the separate Javadoc JAR file, but it turned out that
doesn't help. That's mostly Eclipse's fault (for some reason you can't
use a path variable to indicate where to find Javadocs, only source?
WTF, Eclipse team?) But anyway, I would still really like to package the
Javadoc into the same JAR as the classes, if that's possible.


-----Original Message-----
From: Allen, Daniel 
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 4:10 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: [m2] Javadoc packaged with deployed JAR

Hi, all.

I've created a small package of utilities that I'm deploying to the
company's local repository for reuse. However, a problem with that reuse
is that when we do our programming in Eclipse, the mouse-over javadoc
display doesn't work, so it's hard to tell what functionality I'm
actually providing. I know that I can create the javadocs as a Maven
report with the javadoc plugin, or generate the documents on their own
with "mvn javadoc:jar", but is there a way to include the javadoc
results in the same JAR file that's produced and deployed by "mvn
deploy"? I think that way, Eclipse would see them and helpfully display
arguments, comments, etc. one I add my package to the build path.
Failing that, how would I go about deploying the JAR that "mvn
javadoc:jar" creates?

~Dan Allen

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