
My approach here is probably not the "right way" for debugging unit test
failures but here it is for what it's worth as a novice Maven user. 

To see JUnit log messages I add this to my


which basically causes log4j to print all junit message to STDOUT. I was
having a problem with a runtime dependency not being present and not getting
any sensible error messages which I documented here:

You can also look for individual test results in: target/test-reports/


-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:34 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Debugging unit test failures under

Thanks for the previous answers about my having site:generate 
consistently crash java.exe.  With most of the reports disabled, I'm 
able to successfully execute this goal now.

However, I'm trying to determine the cause of the many (but not all) 
unit tests failing.  Is there a way to see the exact stdout and stderr 
from an individual test.  Using the <unitTest><includes..> I can run 
just a single failing test, but I can't seem to get any output from it.

How would I see the stdout and stderr to figure out the problem.  It's 
definitely configuration as the tests all pass fine from Ant and JBuilder.


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