>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ruben Garat [mailto:ruben01....@gmail.com]
>Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 9:59 AM
>To: Maven Users List
>Subject: Native dependencies best practices
>Hi, I am trying to help get a project (Lightweight Java Game Library
><http://lwjgl.org/>) into Maven Central repository.
>This project is the most used way for java games to use opengl.
>The project is made of a main jar lwjgl.jar and some natives for each
>I have to main questions:
>*What should be the id of the native artifacts:*
>*The other issue is what should be the artifactId of the native artifacts:*
>    *    main artifact: groupId:org.lwjgl - artifactId: lwjgl
>    *    natives artifacts: groupId: org.lwjgl - artifactId: lwjgl -
>      classifier: natives-${platform}
>so the questions are:
>    *      is the proposed naming convention for artifacts with natives
>      (natives-${platform}) a good one? is there anyone better?

There is a maven-nar-plugin that already does some of what you're talking 
about.  You might want to take a look at that.
Like many (most?) plugins, the documentation is a bit lacking.  In brief, the 
way it works is that there is a classifier-less artifact that contains a 
"nar.properties" file.  This classifier-less artifact is the one you list as a 
dependency in your pom file.   This properties file defines the GAV+C 
coordinates to get the platform specific artifacts.  e.g.:


The nar plugin replaces the "${aol}" bit with something that describes the 
platform you are on.  e.g. "amd64-Linux-g++", "IA64W-HP-UX-g++", etc...  Note 
that the values it uses for this can be a bit tricky to figure out, and I 
haven't been able to figure out how they are calculated.  For my purposes, I 
ended up running maven through strace and finding what it was trying to 
download.  (you could probably also look in the logs of your repository manager)

Your artifactId for the native artifacts should be different than your main 
artifact.  It sounds like it's really a separate piece and should be defined as 
such.  That will probably solve your cycle problems.

>This solutions works great because you don't have to declare the natives
>when you add a dependency.

You can include "nar" type dependencies in your pom file and it will 
automatically pull in the right native version, but you still need to 
explicitly say that you're pulling it in.

You can also use the nar plugin to *build* the native portion, but I assume you 
don't actually want to do that, since it's a whole bunch more work.  I ended up 
creating the nar artifacts by hand and uploading them to my Nexus instance 
using "mvn deploy:deploy-file ..."


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