
I am wondering of you can help me.... I would like to be able to generate 
some script actions based on a list of changed files for a build

Let say I have two new files checked out of subversion (these are the new 
/ updated files):

file1.txt # ** updated
file3.txt # ** new

I then want to generate some actions using the basename and normal of each 
file thus:

do something on file1 file1.txt and then do the next # Yes the only 
variables are file / base names!
do something on file3 file3.txt and then do the next # Yes the only 
variables are file / base names!

and then have the results fed to the shell (or some other executable) - 
OK, I confess: it is a deployment for a very non-standard tool!

I don't want to deploy the files that are not new.  It is of course 
possible to check out the diff files in a temporary directory if that 

I can of course write this in a variety of languages or create a MOJO.... 
but I rather hope that someone else has done that already using Maven and 
can help to deliver from my ignorance !!

Thanks in advance


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