I am developing an application using Java modules. when i try to run it
using exec:java it seems the exec-plugin adds all dependencies to the
classpath. i verified this using the -X option. the behavior expected is
the modularized dependencies should be added to the module path. i am using
plugin version 3.1.0.

how its impacting me: I am using ServiceLoader to load some services and it
cannot find any services because the dependencies end up on classpath
instead of modulepath.

according to this post:

the plugin should support modulepath but it does not seem like so.

I also tried using exec:exec with -Dexec.args="%modulepath" as described
but that gives exception.

also read this:

can someone explain me how to run a modularized application using the exec

also related: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7855 (this is for
the compiler plugin but mentioning fyi)

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