I have been hunting down old security "vulnerable" versions of struts that
have been showing up in my .m2 directory, which is raising flags from my
Security people.  The dependency seems to be coming from an old
doxia-site-renderer.  It has been updated to not have a dependency on
struts at all with version 1.9.2. Many of the maven plugins have been
updated and released using this updated version of doxia-site-renderer.
Unfortunately maven-dependency-plugin has not been released with this
update.  So it is impossible to fully update to that version of
doxia-site-renderer, as the version from the maven-dependency-plugin 3.1.2
cannot be updated by specifically overriding the dependency version in
pluginManagement before it pulls down struts (chicken and egg issue).
Looking at the repo on github, there was a tag created for
maven-dependency-plugin 3.1.3 which looks to use the updated
doxia-site-renderer back in Oct. 2020, but it has not been released (or at
least maven central still only has v3.1.2).  Is there a plan for releasing
it or a newer version soon?


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