I'm having a problem with the axis plugin. I was able to do the build
in Ant, but when trying to use Maven, I get the following issue:

INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building aimwebservices.war
[INFO]    task-segment: [compile]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [axistools:wsdl2java {execution: default}]
[INFO] about to add compile source root
[INFO] Nothing to generate. All WSDL files are up to date.
[INFO] [build-helper:add-source {execution: add-wsdl-source}]
[INFO] Source directory:
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Compiling 10 source files to
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Compilation failure
incompatible types
found   : com.solbright.aimwebservices.SolbrightInventoryService_PortType
required: com.solbright.aimwebservices.SolbrightInventoryService

For some reason, the _PortType is being appended to my generated Java
file. Another question is whether or not I need to specify the
org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin, so that Maven can find
the generated wsdl2java sources. It appears to work in my project
without the need for this plugin, but another project seems to need
this plugin.

Here's my pom.xml

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
            <!-- Not listed for space savings -->

David Weintraub

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