We're about to start using the maven-release-plugin on a large project, and
found a few things that would be nice to pass in as arguments on the command
line.  I looked to see if this was already possible, and came up blank.
 Does anyone know if it's possible to...

1) release:branch needs two pieces of information: (a) the branch name and
(b) the "new working copy version".  The former can be specified using
-DbranchName but the latter isn't documented.  Is there a way to specify the
new working copy version on the command line?  Ideally I'd be able to do
something like this:

 $ mvn release:branch -DbranchName=release-3.1 -DdevelopmentVersion=

2) release:prepare needs three pieces of information: (a) the release
version, (b) the release scm tag, and (c) the new development version.
 According to the documentation, only the tag can be specified on the
command line using -Dtag=wombat.  What about the others?

 $ mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=3.1

Tell me there's already a way to do this?  If not, what do you think... I
can log some issues and submit some patches if the consensus is that it's a
good idea.

Also, a few minor notes on consistency of naming:

1) When prompting the user for the next version, the branch goal asks "new
working copy version" and the prepare goal asks "new development version".
It seems these two questions are the same and should be framed the same.
2) The branch goal asks for a "branchName" and prepare asks for a "tag",
both of these are the same type of thing (at least in SVN).  Either the Name
part of branchName shoudl be removed or Name added to tag, resulting in
branchName and tagName *or* branch and tag.

Christian Nelson -- (e) [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (m) 415-378-3988

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