Re: where to put config files under WEB-INF directory

2006-09-12 Thread clark . rao
Dear liu, in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder. thanks. Tel: (020)83020988-328 Fax: (020)36315170 |-+ | | 子民 刘 | | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]| | || | |

RE: Super Pom

2006-07-27 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, For maven2, the child POM will inherit all properties from parent pom. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: [m2] How to exclude a jar in WEB-INF/lib

2006-04-06 Thread clark . rao
Dear you can exclude jar in web-intf/lib. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Tom Joad

Re: [m2] plugin dependency exclusions

2006-03-20 Thread clark . rao
Dear , You should remember the true name of jar should be same to jar name in run-time . thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: maven kodo plugin

2006-02-08 Thread clark . rao
Dear Stephane, You mean that kodo-jdo-runtime.jar? thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 stéphane bouchet

Re: maven kodo plugin

2006-02-08 Thread clark . rao
Dear Stephane, I have compiled the maven-kodo-plugin and installed it sucessfully. Another project'm pom is project xmlns=; xmlns:xsi =; xsi:schemaLocation=

maven kodo plugin

2006-02-07 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, When I build maven kodo plugin, it failed. can you help? GroupId: org.codehaus.mojo ArtifactId: mojo-sandbox Version: 2-SNAPSHOT Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-sandbox:pom:2-SNAPSHOT from the specified remote repositories:

Re: maven kodo plugin

2006-02-07 Thread clark . rao
Dear Henry, thanks a lot thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Henry S. Isidro

Re: maven kodo plugin

2006-02-07 Thread clark . rao
Dear Henry, I have got org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-sandbox:pom:2-SNAPSHOT. However, I can't get com.solarmetric:kodo-jdo:jar:3.0 thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

RE: [m201] Plugin Dependency Configuration

2006-01-10 Thread clark . rao
Dear, the version of plugin should be written out. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Allison, Bob

Re: [m2] Default Maven repository (iBiblio) really slow on a consistent basis?

2006-01-10 Thread clark . rao
Dear haginow, Yes, The speed of connet to central repository. Thereforefore, I set reposity idcentral to local reposity in setting.xml. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

RE: [m2] war as a dependency

2006-01-03 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, Can manven2 support an ear as dependency? For application server,we should let class in one ear can access ejbs in another ear. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: How to override the maven central repository completely

2005-12-20 Thread clark . rao
Dear , You can set you reposity id in setting.xml as central . for example profiles profile iddevpprofile1/id activation os familyunix/family /os /activation properties devep.websiteresource/appserver/

Re: Use Maven in multiple Java SDKs

2005-12-20 Thread clark . rao
Dear build plugins plugin groupIdorg.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-clean-plugin/artifactId executions execution

RE: including empty directories in a war build

2005-12-19 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, Maven war plugin doesn't copy empty folder to .war file. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Brian E.

Re: [m2] ear plugin: jar does not get added to application xml (as java module)

2005-12-14 Thread clark . rao
Dear, exaplme: plugin groupIdorg.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-jar-plugin/artifactId configuration archive manifest

Re: M2 Kodo Plugin

2005-12-05 Thread clark . rao
Dear , We can re-build it for mave 2, isn't right? thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 stéphane bouchet

Re: How not to include all jar files from parent pom?

2005-12-01 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, the scopecompile/scope in depency element in pom.xml. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Stephane

Re: [m2] Jars inside ear as java modules in the application.xml

2005-11-30 Thread clark . rao
Dear Bruno, I think you MAY can put jar to own plugin. I'll try it. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Bruno

Re: [m2] Jars inside ear as java modules in the application.xml

2005-11-30 Thread clark . rao
Dear Bruno, In pom.xml. You should add this jar to dependency. my pom.xml is below. project modelVersion4.0.0/modelVersion groupIdears/groupId artifactIdear/artifactId packagingpom/packaging version1.0/version nameear assembly/name dependencies dependency

Re: calling an Ant task from mvn command

2005-11-30 Thread clark . rao
Dear nathaniel, phasegenerate-sources/phase should change to phaseinstall/phase , run mvn install. The phase should be same to mvn lifecycle phase. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: [m2] Artifact Override

2005-11-30 Thread clark . rao
Dear Mik, For example: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=oracle8ijdbc.jar -DgroupId=database -DartifactId=oracle8i -Dversion=8i -Dpackaging=jar thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: How copy files from local repo to remote

2005-11-28 Thread clark . rao
Dear, You can runant-run plugin in maven2.(goal:copy) And also, you can run ftp. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: ear includes all jar files

2005-11-28 Thread clark . rao
Dear, You can use exclusives in build element of pom.xml. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 [EMAIL

RE: maven 2 ear -plug in

2005-11-26 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, Folder: sample --pom.xml (ear) |__src\main\application\meta-inf\application.xml | |---primary-source-|--pom.xml(java jar) | |--src\main\java\ We try to package an ear with java jar.

Re: [m2]Trouble with FTP deploy

2005-11-24 Thread clark . rao
Dear what ftp plugin version? thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Brett Porter

Re: mvn archetype:create seems to not work... did before...

2005-11-24 Thread clark . rao
Dear 1.0-alpha-4-SNAPSHOT is OK. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Brett Porter

Re: [m2] Copy the dependencies of a project in a custom plugin

2005-11-21 Thread clark . rao
Dear Wim, For my sample-- dependencies dependency groupIdorg.apache.maven/groupId artifactIdmaven-plugin-api/artifactId version2.0/version /dependency pom.xml project modelVersion4.0.0/modelVersion groupIdsample.plugins/groupId

Re: [M2]How to use filtering with build profiles?

2005-11-21 Thread clark . rao
Dear Dennis, What files in your resource directory? Can u give us a resource file? thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: [m2] how to use javacc?

2005-11-20 Thread clark . rao
Dear Allan, You had better not use javac in maven. To complie a java file, create a jvm compiler is not good. You can read why we need ant and maven. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170

Re: [M 1.1b1] Maven-Reports: Encoding Problems

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Dear, I can't display Chinese issue also. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Gisbert Amm

Re: [m2] building non-jar projects

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Dear yes, You should use maven-ant-run plugin to run it. build sourceDirectorysrc/main/java/sourceDirectory outputDirectorytarget/outputDirectory plugins plugin artifactIdmaven-antrun-plugin/artifactId executions execution

Re: m2

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Your url links to maven1 project.xml. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 John Tolentino

Re: m2

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Dear John, i try to set version from propertis files. But I can't do . project modelVersion4.0.0/modelVersion groupIdsample.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-hello-plugin/artifactId packagingjar/packaging version2.1-SNAPSHOT/version nameSample Parameter-less Maven Plugin/name

Re: [m2] deploy with ftp

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Dear what is your maven2 version and ftp plugin version? for example: project xmlns=; xmlns:xsi =; xsi:schemaLocation=;

RE: Classpath in antrun plugin

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Dear for reference: project modelVersion4.0.0/modelVersion groupIdsample.plugins/groupId artifactIdmaven-hello-plugin/artifactId packagingjar/packaging !--version2.1-SNAPSHOT/version-- version2/version nameSample Parameter-less Maven Plugin/name dependencies dependency

Re: jars that are not in maven repository and how to deal with them

2005-11-16 Thread clark . rao
Dear the version can ideentify the folder!! thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Krikor Krumlian

Re: [m2] Problem creating plugin with alternative lifecycle

2005-11-15 Thread clark . rao
Dear Wim, I just found it. thanks. Tel: (020)36315358-328 Fax: (020)36315170 Wim Deblauwe

maven2 and jes7

2005-11-15 Thread clark . rao
Dear all, When u run ant to create-instance in pom.xml , the JAVA_HOME should be same to JES JDK version. Or , the message http://localhost:/web1/entry not reponse. and server.log. 15/Nov/2005:19:43:09] 信息 ( 1932): ADM6002:Received remote administration request [15/Nov/2005:19:43:09] 严重 (