I have a JEE / Maven project with a number of entity classes and session

It builds and I can use the EJB module from several web modules with JSF
and so on. The module uses the data connection defined in the Payara server.

Now i want to build some Junit test scripts to automatically test my
session beans using Maven and Payara embedded.

>From other articles I concluded that I can have this structure:


which will make it possible for me to use two different persistence.xml

One problem I have now is that payara server requires the JNDI name of the
data source like this:


while payara embedded requires the format:


So it gives me problems when I run the test and when I want to deploy.

But I can't get netBeans / Maven / Payara embedded to use the
persistence.xml file located under test. It consistently use the one
located in main. Which means that my JUint test will not run since they
can't find the correct datasource.

My persistence.xml in main:

...<persistence-unit name="dk.myDS"   transaction-type="JTA">

my persistence.xml in test

....<persistence-unit name="dk.myDS" transaction-type="JTA">


How do I force netBeans / maven to use the correct persistence.xml?

Is there another solution to this problem? I refuse to believe that I'm the
only one having this problem. But I have not seen any solution to this case.

If I delete my persistence.xml under main my test runs as expected.

When i copy persistence.xml back into main i get the following error:

Caused by: com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException:
Invalid resource : jdbc/druid__pm

If I don't have persistence.xml in main I can't deploy my app since i don't
have the mapping between persistenceContext and jdbc connection. Catch 22.

Thanks in advance

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