Netbeans 20

I have looked at the Apache document describing configuring Netbeans for C/C++, If I am not mistaken, there is not a a single mentioned item in Netbeans 16-20 that corresponds to the descriptions in this document. The C/C++ learning trail, <v>, does not seem to address how to set up for compiling/building C/C++ code.

I am using the g++ compiler in cygwin. This is what I think I need to know.
[1] In Properties->Compile Commands: in the compile command how do you specify the file to be compiled. Suppose I am editing a file x.cpp and I want to compile it. I have a command "<path>g++ <options> ?". how do I specify that the file with current focus is to be compiled? Do I have to change the compile commands, e.g., to x.cpp, every time I want to compile a file? [2] In Properties->Build: Will the command "<path>g++ * -o <dir>/project.exe" work? [3] In Tools->Options->C/C++->clangd location. can I use a <path>cywing\bin as a tool set?

If anyone can give me a hand here I would appreciate it. I only have to ask once (fleet of foot, slow of mind, but I do have a pad and pencil). Netbeans has long been my favorite editor and I've been frustrated that I can not use it because I don't know how.


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