Re: JNDI lookup in Tomcat

2009-01-20 Thread Zog
org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory. I thought this is only for standalone local testing. Any news about looking from Web-Tier via IntialContext()? Best regards, Jens Zog wrote: In a servlet listener for my webapp, I'm using this: public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent aArg0

Re: OpenEJB in an OSGi container

2008-10-14 Thread Zog
Succeeded to load OpenEJB in Felix 1.2.1 OSGi container. See for details. It's not perfect but it fits my needs (for now - just had to produce a proof of concept). /zog Zog wrote: Thought I should give a first update here: I took

Re: OpenEJB in an OSGi container

2008-10-10 Thread Zog
Thought I should give a first update here: I took the approach to package the whole OpenEJB (except the javaee jar) inside a single bundle, trying to run from inside OSGi but still configuring from openejb.home/conf/openejb.xml and loading my EJBs from openejb.home/apps. I did 2 things: - created

Re: JNDI lookup in Tomcat

2008-10-09 Thread Zog
don't see any /openejb/TransactionManager there. /Zog David Blevins wrote: On Oct 8, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Zog wrote: I installed the openejb.war in tomcat-6.0.18 and my ear as a collapsed ear. When I lookup objects in the JNDI tree, I realized that I can freely look up injected

Re: OpenEJB in an OSGi container

2008-10-09 Thread Zog
I'm using apache Felix 1.2.1 with OSGi 1.4. I've no code to share yet - I started on this just recently and am still in information gathering mode :) but for sure I'll share this once I get it to work. Thanks a lot for the help /Zog David Blevins wrote: Thanks, Guillaume

Re: Unknown error in Assembler for MessageDriven bean

2008-10-03 Thread Zog
Hi Unfortunately I cant' post the code - but I solved the issue by just adding a messaging-typejavax.jms.MessageListener/messaging-type in ejb-jar.xml for all my MDBs. One thing to note though is that my MDBs do not directly imlpement this interface, they extend a class that does - could it be