My name is Craig Weidhuner, I've downloaded Open Office 4.1.0 for Windows
8.1 and have been using the writer.  The spell checker seemed to keep
setting the default language to English USA and every time I open a file I
have to keep reseting it to English Canada.  I can add new words to the
dictionary but every time I open the file it highlights those words as
spelling errors until I perform a spell check.  Once that is done, only
then does the program seem to recognize these words.  Also several times
the spell checker seems to freeze and says the program is not responding.
 Now it's suddenly telling me all my words are spelled incorrectly and when
I do a spell check it seems I have to add each word back into the
dictionary.  I've looked at the forums but all the posts either have the
same questions over and over again with no answer, or answers which make no
sense to me, I admit I'm not very tech savy and all these "open file X and
rename this and that" just confuse me.  Is there anyone who can help?  I
appreciate any help you can offer.



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