Using Win10 Home, up to date.

I mostly use my desktop computer to write a text file using AOO, but am on the road now and had to use my laptop (Lenovo U430) to write a one-page text article for someone.  I was puzzled to find that the auto spell check did not work, as it does on my desktop at home.

I checked settings, looked for solutions (mostly found from 2012 - Win7) and tried many to no avail.  Am using simple US-English, the default language.  The ABC underscore button is highlighted. In Tools \ Language "For Selection" USA-English is always checked, but in "for Paragraph" and "for All Text", USA-English is not checked and checking them manually does not "stick".  Starting a new File\Text Document does not improve the situation.

When I get home I'll compare settings in the two computers, but in the meantime, do you have any suggestions to get auto spell check to work?


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