John Hitchler



  1) When “save as” sometimes program freezes. Have to restart computer / Have 
to recover text because of crash

  2) I have 4.1.0 … thinking maybe I need to upgrade to 4.1.1 but program won’t 
allow me to

  3) When I want to view downloads-I.E. a box appears that gives me the option 
to open or save

        * I click open, doesn’t open

        * I click save, nothing happens

  4) When “save as” to desktop, documents, or pictures the file that I have to 
save in is;

              ODF Text Doc (.odt)(*.odt)

              Adobe won’t allow me to save it … says file is corrupt or damaged

  5) When I “save” only it is saved as pdf - but I can’t open it

Can you help me? 

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