
when we had Call for Papers earlier this year, everybody told me, dont
expect much, AOO is europe based.

Now we are getting close to deadline for ApacheCon Budapest.

Please submit talks
if you need help mail the list or me,
if you feel giving a talk might be different, no need to be nervous, we are
here now and later at the conference to help you.

Any talk will do, once the deadline is passed some AOO "specialist" will
look through the abstracts to see if they are ok, in case they find
something, you will be contacted so it can be corrected. That is also to
help you.

And finally please remember, giving a talk on apachecon might sound scary
(I gave my first 4 talks in Denver, so I have fresh experience in being
nervous), but in reality you will talk to a smaller audience, typically
highly motivated volunteers like yourself, so in the end  its a very
friendly environment.

Hope to see a lot you in Budapest !

jan I.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Linux Foundation Events <no-re...@linuxfoundation.org>
Date: 17 June 2014 13:44
Subject: June 25th CFP Deadline for ApacheCon and CloudStack Collab
Conference EU - Submit Now
To: j...@apache.org

           CFP Deadline for ApacheCon & CCC Europe Approaching Quickly,
June 25th – Submit Today



and CloudStack Collaboration Conference
are coming to Budapest 17-22 November. This is your chance to share your
knowledge and experience of the technologies and projects driving the
future of open source, big data and cloud computing with the developers,
programmers, committers and users in the community.

together the open source community to learn about and collaborate on the
technologies and projects driving the future of open source, big data and
cloud computing. Apache projects have been, and continue to be, hugely
influential in the innovation and development of software development
across a plethora of categories from content, databases and servers, to big
data, cloud, mobile and virtual machine.

Aimed at users, developers and everybody else interested in
CloudStack, the CloudStack
Collaboration Conference
is the place to learn more about CloudStack or join developers to discuss
its past, present and future. The talks and events at the conference will
provide ample opportunities to meet with the CloudStack community and
engage in deep discussions with developers and users, and the hackathon day
will provide an excellent opportunity to turn ideas into practice together
with the committers and the sponsors.

We are looking for subject matter experts to present educational sessions
at ApacheCon and CCC-EU. Suggested topics for ApacheCon include everything
from the flagship Apache HTTP Server to Cassandra to Hadoop to Lucene/Solr
to OODT to TrafficServer. For CCC-EU, we are looking for topics such as
running CloudStack at scale, best practices for working with IaaS clouds,
discussions about CloudStack’s architecture, proposals for feature
development, and more.

The deadline to submit a proposal is June 25th. Learn more about the
proposal submission process, and submit your speaking topic for ApacheCon
Europe here
and CloudStack Collaboration Conference Europe here

Of course, if you aren’t ready to speak at one of these conferences but
still want to attend, you can register here
for ApacheCon, and here
for CloudStack Collaboration Conference. *Register for ApacheCon by 1
August to save €600 off the final price, and by 31 July for CCC-EU to save

We look forward to seeing you in Budapest!

Thank You to Our CloudStack Collaboration Conference Europe 2014 Sponsors!
              *Diamond Sponsor*
      *Gold Sponsor*

Is your company interested in being a sponsor of ApacheCon Europe or
CloudStack Collaboration Conference Europe? Contact Jay Sullivan at
more information.
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