My spell check just  stopped working - in the middle of a big project. :(

I use Apache OO  4.1.1 and Windows Vista.

This is a known problem, if not really acknowledged by Apache, as far as I can tell. There IS discussion about this in the forum, but I can't find a real answer. Hagar is not able to write clear English, is not biddable, but rather is "pretty ugly" meaning acts in scary and inappropriate ways if either asked for help or given help.

So I need a fix.
Otherwise, I am going to buy the hated MicroSoft product.
My time is valuable too.
Would be nice if your product worked more reliably. And it would be nice if there were fixes for known problems. And it would be nice if the forum were not policed and controlled by someone who is best is unhelpful.

The Extension manager does now show empty.
I have found English dictionaries both on my computer and also via download, but when I try to pick it up with the Extension manager, I get the message that the dictionary does not exist.

I do have a string to look for the "user profile" but 1) I cannot find where to put this and 2) do not know a user name, as I do not nor ever have signed into my computer. I can go to DOS, but without a name...what could would it do.

Thanks, Sharon Sarles

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