At 18:01 01/06/2014 -0400, Jim Browning wrote:
I would greatly appreciate your assistance with a problem. I have used Open Office for years, and am very pleased with it, but have hit a snag. Specifically, I am trying to delete the page numbers I presently have in the footers of a multi-page manuscript, and replace them with new consecutive numbers, so as to consecutively add to the numbered pages of another manuscript. The numbers I now have are 1 to 20. I want to insert the new numbers, 21 to 30, so as to provide continuity of page numbers. I have read the tutorial, which talks about "clicking into the first paragraph" of the first page, and I have tried clicking at the start of the first paragraph, the middle of the first paragraph, etc., with out any page numbers appearing. I have also preceded this (following the tutorial) with Format-Paragraph-Text Flow-Insert-Page Style.) Can you assist?

I'm not sure which tutorial you are reading, but yes: you need to modify the paragraph format of the first paragraph in your document. To do this: o Either put the cursor into your first paragraph and go to Format | Paragraph... | Text Flow, o Or right-click in the first paragraph and to follow Paragraph... | Text Flow from the context menu.

You get to the same dialogue either way. Then:
o Under Breaks, click Insert. (Type should read "Page" and Position "Before".)
o Tick "With Page Style".
o Select the appropriate page style (whatever you are already using) from the drop-down list. o (Here's the important bit:) Set "Page number" to whatever you need - 21 in your case.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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