TEAM  ---

I need your help.

I have a LENOVO laptop IDEAPad 100S running WINDOWS 10.  The referenced
version has been installed on my computer since 2016.

I need to UNINSTALL the application. I have the following observations to

   - the desktop icon is MISSING
   - the OpenOffice application is NOT listed in the UNINSTALLER WINDOW on
   the Programs & Features folder
   - I cannot locate an uninstaller.exe application in the OPEN OFFICE
   folder installed on the C:/ drive

While I have located & reviewed your WIKI PAGE, I cannot locate definitive
instructions in your PDF USER FILE that states clearly something like:  " these (3) things. If they do not work, install our UNINSTALLER to
help complete the task".

Please advise as to where I can locate the official steps.

Thanks for your help.


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