At 00:20 07/12/2012 -0800, Dave Kerschen wrote:
countif on multiple items - date test
How can I modify the formula to test for a date?

If Column A were dates for example.
A1 = 08/01/12
A3 = 08/15/12
A9 = 09/01/12

How do I select for Aug 2012?

This appears to work:

MONTH(A1:A99)=8 is an array of logical values indicating whether the month of each date is August and YEAR(A1:A99)=2012 similarly an array of logical values indicating whether the year is 2012. When corresponding members of the arrays are multiplied (the "product" bit), these logical values are ANDed; the resulting TRUE values are then summed, which has the effect of counting them. This relies on the fact that logical values can be (mis-)interpreted as numbers, with TRUE being 1 and FALSE being 0.

Note that if the dates are all known to be in 2012, the simpler formula
would also work.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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