I've created a spreadsheet  with columns for names, descriptions, dates and
numbers.  After inputing data, I'd like to alphabetize the list keeping the
related data with the appropriate names.

I have done this in the past with no problems, by placing the column of
names in the first column and highlighting across the entire fields of
pertinent info and then down my entire list.  Then selecting Sort A-Z
Ascending command.

However, this time, only a few names were alphabetized. Then I realized
Calc had made subgroups based on similar info of the other fields (payment
method).  That is not what I want, I want the entire list alphabetized
regardless of commonality data in the related row.

I can't understand how to get around the subgrouping problem.

Open Office 4
OSX Yosemite 10.10.5


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