Derek Greenacre wrote:
To  all involved,
     as  a  pensioner with limited  funds I have  found  your Open
Office  a  breath of fresh  air. In  a  world in  which everything
usually seems  to revolve  around profits (  and  often in the case  of
software  what  amounts  to  extortion) your  free software  is
brilliant. Not  only has   your software enabled  me to  enhance  my
life  in  hundreds  of  ways  it has  given me hope  for  humanity. May
the  ethos  of  your  company  continue to  flourish and  I  wish  you
every  success  in  the future.
  Many  thanks and  may  you  all  walk in the  path of happiness

Thank you Derek for being a happy user! We appreciate your feedback.


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