Hi folks,

I added a new feature to vzbulk[0] which shows if some VE (Virtual
Environment) has hit any of its beancounter barrer/limit. [1] shows an
example output where the VE with veid 3003 has hit its barrier with
privvmpages and tcpsndbuf.

This script (vzbulk) is an effort that goes hand in hand with writing
documentation for OpenVZ[2], which is an ongoing effort and not finished

I hope somebody will provide feedback for vzbulk -- note, one also
needs to include generic.sh; see comments at the top of vzbulk.

[0] http://github.com/sunoano/bash
[1] http://sunoano.pastebin.com/m70daa95f
[2] http://sunoano.name/ws/public_xhtml/openvz.html

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