Since I was having issues with updating I decided to just blow away my
ovirt-engine install.

This possessed some challenges, but I basically just ran the script here:

to remove everything.  I also made sure my postgres database was removed.
I also had to run the "ip link del" commands on the ovirtmgmt interface to
make sure it was removed.

After detaching, and re-importing my data domain everything seems to be
working so far.  Keyboard is at least working with no crashes!

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 11:01 PM, Wesley Stewart <> wrote:

> So it appears that things being passed through VIA USB passthrough are
> broken.
> My mouse does not seem to register in my Windows 10 VM, and the two
> keyboards I have tried have caused the VM and the host to crash.
> I am not trying to update my host to 4.1.5 by running "sudo engine-setup"
> on my host.  It seems to detect the updates, but then fails saying "[ ERROR
> ] Failed to execute stage 'Setup validation': Cannot upgrade the Engine
> database schema due to wrong ownership of some database entities."
> Any ideas?  I am tempted just to blow everything away and start over, but
> I dont know how difficult it is to use an old data domain in a new
> install.  Would it be as simple as copying the files over into the new
> domain?
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 8:35 PM, Wesley Stewart <>
> wrote:
>> I checked under:
>> /var/log/hosted-engine-ha/
>> I do not have this directory in my /var/log file.
>> Also I did some more experiments.  I removed the graphics card and left
>> only a keyboard and mouse (USB inputs) added to the VM.  Same as before,
>> everything works fine, but once I try to use the keyboard or mouse
>> BOOM everything crashes (including the host, which reboots after).   Next
>> step, I suppose it to try a different keyboard and mouse, but my guess is
>> that any USB added device will cause the VM and host to crash upon
>> interaction.  Everything loads fine, and the VM even continues to continue
>> working normally, until one of these device is activated or used.
>> Any ideas?
>> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Wesley Stewart <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the quick response Charles!  Only had a second so I have not
>>> taken a look at the logs yet...
>>> But after reinstalling the host, it looks like everything came back up
>>> at first.  I have discovered what is causing the entire host to fail, crash
>>> and reboot is when I mess with my windows 10 vm through the graphics card.
>>> I have an old Radeon HD 6870 that I have been using in my windows 10 vm
>>> without issue (I even did some light gaming with no issues).  It seems that
>>> the last update I did has caused not only my windows VM to crash, but also
>>> my entire OVIRT host.
>>> Really not sure why Ovirt has an issue with my graphics card on my
>>> windows host all of a sudden.  Will check the logs soon.
>>> The main login page shows:
>>> Version
>>> Isn't 4.1.5 out?  My centos7 box wont seem to find the 4.1.4
>>> On Oct 7, 2017 5:20 PM, "Charles Kozler" <> wrote:
>>>> Most answers reside in the agent.log under /var/log/hosted-engine-ha/.
>>>> Tail that for a bit and see what pops up. You can also review vdsm log
>>>> under /var/log
>>>> I've found that looking at these two logs and just trying a few things
>>>> yields results
>>>> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Wesley Stewart <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have a single server that is running ovirt as a host and a storage
>>>>> domain.  I ran an update when the GUI told me that there was one.
>>>>> I shutdown all of the VM's, placed the host in maintenance mode and
>>>>> did the update.  Upon rebooting the server, I was able to pull my VM's
>>>>> online without any issue, but then, all of a sudden, vm's stopped
>>>>> responding as well as the host.
>>>>> The host is showing as "Down" and I cannot "Activate" it.  Also
>>>>> "Maintenance Mode" is greyed out.
>>>>> Storage pools are "down" but eventually come back online, but the host
>>>>> still will not come online.
>>>>> Every few minutes, the host goes to "UP" right before failing and
>>>>> going back "Down".  To make it more confusing, like I mentioned before,
>>>>> this is all in one box, so it isn't like their is a network issue between
>>>>> the storage and the host boxes or anything.
>>>>> Currently trying to reinstall the host and see if that helps, but I
>>>>> would very much appreciate any sort of guidance, support or ideas!
>>>>> Fencing failed on Storage Pool Manager OVIRT-Host for Data Center
>>>>> OVIRT-Datacenter. Setting status to Non-Operational.
>>>>> Host OVIRT-Host failed to recover.
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