Greetings. In a multi-hypervisor environment, we are running Centos 7.7.1908, 
with ovirt-4.3. There are problems adding a new hypervisor, because all the yum 
resources have switched in favor of newer versions.

Is there a proceedure to add a hypervisor under the oVirt Virtualization 
manager while retaining an older, known working OS version like Centos 7.7.1908 
? Upgrading everything across the board isn't an immediate option. There are 
many VMs and hypervisors in production, and can't be disturbed.

In sum: is it still possible to install known working 4.30.33-1.el7? All that 
is presented now is 4.30.46-1.el7
I ran: yum install vdsm-4.30.33-1.el7.x86_64. This completed. However, when I 
tried to add the resulting hypservisor using the oVirt web UI, that fails. Logs 
on that management server showed that the install process insists on using 
4.30.46-1.el7. Any way to avoid this?

2020-07-22 20:30:58,621-04 ERROR 
(VdsDeploy) [45782a5f] EVENT_ID: VDS_INSTALL_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR(511), An error 
has occurred during installation of Host hypervisor7: Failed to execute stage 
'Package installation': [u'vdsm-4.30.46-1.el7.x86_64 requires lvm2 >= 
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