
My systems pulled in 4.4.5 packages last night, so I assume oVirt 4.4.5
was released? The release notes page does not list the release and I
also did not see any announcement.

The packages are

I ran an engine-setup and upgraded to this release but the upgrade has
failed due to a failure to update the database schema and it seems the
rollback was not successful as my instance failed to start afterwards.

I've downgraded all packages and ran engine-setup --offline, which seems
to at least bring back my engine to a working state.

I'm confused: has 4.4.5 been released or did I pull in some intermediate
version with known issues?



Rik Theys
System Engineer
KU Leuven - Dept. Elektrotechniek (ESAT)
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2440  - B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
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