Re: [ovirt-users] Configuring another interface for trunked (tagged) VM traffic

2016-01-02 Thread Will Dennis
I found this following (older) article, that gave me a clue… So I configured the following up in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts for each of my hosts — [root@ovirt-node-01 network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-enp4s0f0 HWADDR=00:15:17:7B:E

[ovirt-users] Configuring another interface for trunked (tagged) VM traffic

2015-12-31 Thread Will Dennis
Hi all, Taking the next step on configuring my newly-established oVirt cluster, and that would be to set up a trunk (VLAN tagged) connection to each cluster host (there are 3) for VM traffic. What I’m looking at is akin to setting up vSwitches on VMware, except I have never done this on a VMwar