
        I was trying to get some guest os hardware working and
ultimately had to use the qemu-cmdline vdsm hook to set the pci bus id
and address for a given vm device.

I noticed that ovirt had a vmdevices tab in the Admin UI with this
information in it, but it could not be edited. After looking through
things I found this:

Apparently ovirt had at one point planned on allowing the administrator
to change individual vm device properties, and some of this support
such as the property persistence in the ovirt database, was already
implemented. The only thing that seems to be missing is marking the 
fields in the Admin UI as editable, and the hook to update the database
from those fields.

Does anyone know if there are any plans on actually finishing this
feature and getting it into a ovirt release? Or if not, why? The linked
page is outdated, and claims the original target was ovirt 3.6.

-Patrick Hibbs

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