Hi list,
during our datacenter lifetime many things changed. We moved the engine
twice on different hosts with, of course, different FQDNs, and many
other changes. Now we are stuck with an error when we try to upload an
image to a data domain. The error is somehow bound to a failure to
validate the ovirt-imageio-proxy certificate and, since the current root
CA certificate is still signed with sha1WithRSAEncryption we'd like to
regenerate the whole CA.

That's the steps we've done.. without success...

1) Make a tar.gz of the /etc/pki/ovirt-engine as backup
2) Create a new CA cert using the same private key:
        openssl req -key /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/private/ca.pem -new -x509 -days
3650 -sha256 -extensions v3_ca -out newca.cert.pem
3) Put the new CA cert in place
        mv ca.pem ca.pem.orig.20190219;mv newca.cert.pem ca.pem
4) Resign all the other certs
        names="engine apache websocket-proxy jboss imageio-proxy"
        for name in $names; do
                openssl \
                        x509 \
                        -in /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/certs/"${name}".cer \
                        -noout \
                        -subject \
                | sed \
                        's;subject= \(.*\);\1;' \
        /usr/share/ovirt-engine/bin/pki-enroll-pkcs12.sh \
            --name="${name}" \
            --password=mypass \
            --subject="${subject}" \
5) Restart all the services
        systemctl restart httpd
        systemctl restart ovirt-engine
        systemctl restart ovirt-websocket-proxy
        systemctl restart ovirt-imageio-proxy

The following step was to take the backup at 1) and fall back to the
initial state because nothing worked as expected.

There's any documented procedure about how to recreate Ovirt CA from

Thanks in advance

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