I had to free up and reformat a storage domain where I had some templates
and many VMs.
I was able to move to other existing storage domains disks of VMs created
with "Clone" Storage Allocation
But some of these VMs had disk with storage allocation of type "Thin" on
their related template.
So I was both unable to move these templates and VMs disks...

I was able to export as OVA the templates and then import again them (with
another name "_Copy") on to another storage domain.... then remove VMs and
templates and rename templates' names...

Are there any chances to better solve these kind of problems if one has to
decommission a storage domain? Only export of all VMs and related templates?

Is there a way to "consolidate" the disks of an existing "Thin" based
storage allocation to Clone?
Possibly I can clone the VM?

Thanks in advance,

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