Hi !

I have strange and annoying problem with one VM on oVirt node 4.2 - weekly 
freezes of Ubuntu 16.04.3 with ISPConfig 3.1 active.
ISPConfig is a Web GUI frontend (written in PHP) to Apache, Postfix, Dovecot, 
Amavis, Clam and ProFTPd.
Separate engine PC, not hosted engine.

Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus), 2 cores allocated, 8 GB RAM (only fraction 
is being used).
kernel 4.13.0-32-generic
6300ESB Watchdog Timer

Memory ballooning disables, and there are always about 7 GB of free RAM left.
4 VMs active, CPU load on node is low.
Tried several kernel versions, no change.

I can’t trace any problem in the log on Ubuntu guest. Even watchdog timer 
6300ESB configured to reset does nothing (what is really strange).
VM stops responding even to pings, VM screen is also frozen.
oVirt engine don’t display IP address anymore, it means ovirt-guest-agent is 

VM is in DMZ, and not connected to ovirtmgmt, but rather to bridged Ethernet 
in oVirt I have defined network "DMZ Node10-NIC2”.
On node:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
tail ifcfg-enp3s4f1


Googling doesn’t show anything useful except attempt to change kernel version 
what I already did.

1) Any idea how to fix this freeze ?

2) While problem is not fixed, I can create cron script  to handle stubborn VM 
on oVirt engine PC. 
Q: How to force power off, and then launch (after timeout e.g. 20sec) this VM 
from bash or Python script?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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