Hey all

We've recently moved from RHV v4.3 to RHV v4.4SP1 (ovirt v4.5) and I'm
wanting to rebuild one of our application "clusters" (not HA, simply a
group of related nodes that run the application stack)

Ansible Tower is v3.8.5 and is running on RHEL7.

To further complicate matters, we've just gone from Arcserve UDP to Veeam
and Veeam for RHV.

As I need to ensure the new VMs are built with COW disks with backup
"incremental" enabled.  After a lot of mucking about I find I have to fully
qualify the Ansible module names (i.e. ovirt_diskl becomes
ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk) but this has uncovered the next problem.

The workflow on Ansible Tower server is failing with "ovirtsdk4 version
4.4.0 or higher is required for this module".

So how can I wedge the v4.4 ovirt SDK onto this RHEL7 Ansible Tower node?

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