If you have snapshots like A -> B -> C and you restore A , it is normal to 
loose B & C. After all when you restore A , B & C never happened. Otherwise , 
ovirt should clone the snapshots in separate images and that is not the 
requested, right ?

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

В четвъртък, 3 септември 2020 г., 10:03:30 Гринуич+3, liuwei...@sunyainfo.com 
<liuwei...@sunyainfo.com> написа: 

Dear All:
     I used ovirt api (POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/{vm:id}/snapshots) to create 
several snapshots. When I call the snapshot recovery api (POST 
/ovirt-engine/api/vms/{vm:id }/snapshots/{snapshot:id}/restore) to  restoe the 
first snapshot, I found that the next few snapshots were deleted, and it was 
normal when I restored the last snapshot. Why does the snapshot with the 
earlier recovery time delete the subsequent snapshot? The vm's os is centos.
    Hope get help from you soon, Thank you.
    Yours sincerely,

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