Hi and Welcome,
- The engine keeps the VM definition in it's database. The VMs are not 
persistent on the host they are running. Even if the engine is completely lost, 
a fresh new engine can import the storage domain and import VMs' definition 
from there.
- None. The Engine UI is self sufficient. You can run some ansible tasks on the 
Engine VM or remotely via the API.- Only as Gluster Storage (replica 1 with 1 
host, replica 3 in all other cases)- The cockpit installer will install Gluster 
via Ansible. Due to recent migration to Ansible Core, some of the GlusterFS's 
ansible modules are not idempotent
Best Regards,Strahil NikolovĀ  
  On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 21:16, Alexandre Aguirre<mcp.alexan...@gmail.com> 
wrote:   I'm new to ovirt, I'm coming from Proxmox and VMware, so I had some 
doubts that I couldn't find myself;

- Via terminal, where are the VMs created in oVirt?
- What are the most used commands on a daily basis in the terminal?
- Can I use the host's local disk as storage for the VMs?
- Is glusterfs configuration native in ovirt, or do I need to install the part?

Thanks in advance for your attention!!
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