On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 4:45 PM <dw...@galois.com> wrote:

> There does not seem to be a way for users to configure "Console options"
> when using the VM Portal.  In older versions of oVirt, users had the
> ability to fully control how they configured their VM's.  With the new VM
> Portal and the streamlined approach, they are not able to customize this.

Correct. It's a gap. We are enhancing this here:

Should be merged very soon.

> This forces them to use whatever console option is setup by default, which
> is usually a native client.  If users are unable to configure their own
> console settings, then I would like to set the default console to use NoVNC
> so that it opens the console in a browser window instead of a native
> client.  This will allow users without a native VNC client (Such as MacOS)
> to be able to connect to their VM consoles.
> I think have half the solution figured out, but it only affects the
> Administration Portal and not the VM Portal.
> engine-config –s ClientModeVncDefault=NoVnc
> It also does not affect the default "Video Type" or "Graphics Protocol".
> Is this something that is configurable?  I have not found any related
> settings using the following command:
> engine-config -l
> There is also a file for configuring OS defaults, but no documentation of
> any additional values it could support:
> /etc/ovirt-engine/osinfo.conf.d/00-defaults.properties
> Ideally, I would like to be able to configure a few more default settings,
> such as "Optimized for" and "Disable Single Sign-on", so I think solving
> the console options problem will ultimately lead to a solution for these as
> well.  Any suggestions?

I'd wait for https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-web-ui/pull/956

Best wishes,

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