ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup will only operate on the host you run it on.

In a cluster that might have side-effects, but as a rule it will try to undo 
all configuration settings that had a Linux host become an HCI member or just a 
host under oVirt management.

While the GUI will try to do the same with Ansible only, the script seems to do 
a little more and be more thorough. My guess is that it's somewhat of a 
leftover from the older 'all scripts' legacy of oVirt, before they 
re-engineered much of it to fit Ansible.

It's not perfect, however. I have come across things that it would not undo, 
and that were extremely difficult to find (a really clean re-install would then 
help). There was an issue around keys and certificates for KVM that I only 
remember as a nightmare and more recently I had an issue with it's ansible 
scripts inserting an LVM device filter specific for a UID that the HCI setup 
wizard had created, which then precluded it ever working again after running 
the *cleanup scripts.

All I got was "device excluded by a filter" and only much later I found the 
added line in /etc/lvm.conf not undone, which caused this nail-biter.

But generally that message "Is hosted engine setup finished?" mostly indicates 
that the four major daemons for HCI still have issues.

It all starts with glusterd: If you just added a host in HCI with storage, that 
would like to be properly healed. AFAIK that doesn't actually preclude already 
using the machine to host VMs, but in the interest of keeping your head clear, 
I'd suggest concentrating on getting the storage all clean, with gluster 
happily showing connectivity all around (gluster volume status all etc.) and 
'gluster volume heal <volume> [info]' giving good results.

Then you need to check on the services ovirt-ha-broker and ovirt-ha-agent as 
well as vdsmd via 'servicectl  status <servicename>' to see what they are 
complaining about. I typically restart them in this order to iron out the 
bumps. As long as you give them a bit of time, restarting them periodically 
doesn't seem to do any harm, but helps them recover from hangs.

And then you simply need patience: Things don't happen immediately in oVirt, 
because few commands ever intervene into anything directly. Instead they set 
flags here and there which then a myriad of interlocking state machine gears 
will pick up and respond to, to do things in the proper order and by avoiding 
the race conditions manual intervention can so easily cause. Even the fastest 
systems won't give results in seconds.

So have a coffee, better yet, some herbal tea, and then look again. There is a 
good chance oVirt will eventually sort it out (but restarting those daemons 
really can help things along, as will looking at those error messages and their 
potential cause).
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