
I started the upgrade from 4.3->4.4. Now I'm stuck as restoring the
backup fails to create the correct storage domain for Hosted Engine.
How can I create one? Error from ansible task is:

[ ERROR ] ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault
detail is "[Domain format is different from master storage domain
format]". HTTP response code is 400.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":
"Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[Domain
format is different from master storage domain format]\". HTTP
response code is 400."}

And from UI I can see that what has been created is a data domain. Not
data (master) domain as old one was. Now I'm stuck here. This is a
fibre channel system  where I'm trying to do this if it is relevant.

What I could find from the logs is this:
2021-04-27 09:36:06,925+0300 DEBUG
ansible_utils._process_output:105 storage_domain_details: {'changed':
False, 'ovirt_storage_domains': [{'href':
'comment': '', 'description': '', 'id':
'dd52022b-7616-47f6-9534-6f1a4084fdf4', 'name': 'hosted_storage',
'available': 531502202880, 'backup': False, 'block_size': 512,
'committed': 0, 'critical_space_action_blocker': 5,
'discard_after_delete': True, 'disk_profiles': [], 'disk_snapshots':
[], 'disks': [], 'external_status': 'ok', 'master': False,
'permissions': [], 'status': 'unattached', 'storage': {'type': 'fcp',
'volume_group': {'id': 'HRLDCn-p7X2-5X2O-vm4h-1Wb9-wAMu-WkIwit',
'logical_units': [{'discard_max_size': 268435456,
'discard_zeroes_data': False, 'id':
'36000d31005b4f6000000000000000029', 'lun_mapping': 3, 'paths': 0,
'product_id': 'Compellent Vol', 'serial':
'SCOMPELNTCompellent_Vol_0005b4f6-00000029', 'size': 536870912000,
'storage_domain_id': 'dd52022b-7616-47f6-9534-6f1a4084fdf4',
'vendor_id': 'COMPELNT', 'volume_group_id':
'HRLDCn-p7X2-5X2O-vm4h-1Wb9-wAMu-WkIwit'}]}}, 'storage_connections':
[], 'storage_format': 'v5', 'supports_discard': True,
'supports_discard_zeroes_data': False, 'templates': [], 'type':
'data', 'used': 4294967296, 'vms': [], 'warning_low_space_indicator':
10, 'wipe_after_delete': False}], 'failed': False}

'master': False? I'm not sure if this creation or check. I tried this
opration twice. I removed the new hosted_storage and remove also old
hosted_engine domain on second try to make sure that it doesn't
prevent creation of another master. No luck with that.

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