I have created the virtual machine from ovirt manager but when I am trying to 
get the console of the vm to do the installation of it but it is only giving 
two two line and even i have tried as run once and selected CD ROM as first 
priority and attached the ISO of centos7 SeaBIOS (version 1.11.0-2.e17) Machine 
UUID ------- Also, from manager, newly launched vm is showing green.. And from 
the host machine, it is showing this error Jan 21 19:23:24 servera libvirtd: 
2019-01-21 13:53:24.286+0000: 12800: error : qemuDomainAgentAvailable:9133 : 
Guest agent is not responding: QEMU guest agent is not connected I am using the 
latest version version of ovirt-engine & host as well. 

Setup I have create on my Laptop using vmware workstation:

Centos server : Manager : server.example.com (

Centos : Host : servera.example.com

Centos : NFS Server : utility.example.com (create  fs's as 
/exports and exported as /exports/iso & /exports/data1 )
 In /exports/iso ==> I have rhel 7 & centos 7 iso images and /exports/data1 ( 
will be using for disk images of vms)

From Manager : I have added host and also create domains one as datadomain 
(/exports/data1) and another one is isodomain (/exports/iso)

Now issue i am facing when I am trying to create a vm, it is allowing me to 
create vm but console is blank.
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