How is an oVirt hyperconverged cluster supposed to come back to life after
a power outage to all 3 nodes?

Running ovirt-node (ovirt-node-ng-installer-4.2.0-2019013006.el7.iso) to
get things going, but I've run into multiple issues.

1. During the gluster setup, the volume sizes I specify, are not reflected
in the deployment configuration. The auto-populated values are used every
time. I manually hacked on the config to get the volume sizes correct. I
also noticed if I create the deployment config with "sdb" by accident, but
click back and change it to "vdb", again, the changes are not reflected in
the config.
My deployment config does seem to work. All volumes are created (though the
xfs options used don't make sense as you end up with stripe sizes that
aren't a multiple of the block size).
Once gluster is deployed, I deploy the hosted engine, and everything works.

2. Reboot all nodes. I was testing for power outage response. All nodes
come up, but glusterd is not running (seems to have failed for some
reason). I can manually restart glusterd on all nodes and it comes up and
starts communicating normally. However, the engine does not come online. So
I figure out where it last lived, and try to start it manually through the
web interface. This fails because vdsm-ovirtmgmt is not up. I figured out
the correct way to start up the engine would be through the cli via
hosted-engine --vm-start. This does work, but it takes a very long time,
and it usually starts up on any node other than the one I told it to start

So I guess two (or three) questions. What is the expected operation after a
full cluster reboot (ie: in the event of a power failure)? Why doesn't the
engine start automatically, and what might be causing glusterd to fail,
when it can be restarted manually and works fine?

1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
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