[ovirt-users] Impossible to add other host to hosted engine's cluster

2017-09-19 Thread Demeter Tibor
I've created a 3 host based hosted engine. I can't add other hosts to hosted 
engine's cluster. 

Before the setup, I have created a 3 node glusterfs for hosted engine on them. 
Because I would like use and separate vlans, I created two vlan bridge on all 
host. First is for ovirtmgmt, and a second for glusterfs. 
The hosted engine setup was successful but when I try to add other hosts, that 
is does not work, because vdsmd could not started. 
I found some network related errors in the logs: 

restore-net::ERROR::2017-09-19 19:14:48,072::__init__::51::root::(__exit__) 
Failed rollback transaction last known good network. 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netswitch.py", line 150, in 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/legacy_switch.py", line 
523, in bonds_setup 
_bonds_remove(remove, configurator, _netinfo, in_rollback) 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/legacy_switch.py", line 
548, in _bonds_remove 
if _is_bond_valid_for_removal(name, _netinfo, in_rollback): 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/legacy_switch.py", line 
573, in _is_bond_valid_for_removal 
'interfaces %s' % (bond, bond_users)) 
ConfigNetworkError: (31, "Cannot remove bonding bond0: used by another 
interfaces set(['bond0.105', 'bond0.104'])") 
19:14:48,073::vdsm-restore-net-config::478::root::(restore) unified restoration 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "/usr/share/vdsm/vdsm-restore-net-config", line 473, in restore 
File "/usr/share/vdsm/vdsm-restore-net-config", line 123, in 
File "/usr/share/vdsm/vdsm-restore-net-config", line 238, in 
'_inRollback': True}) 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/api.py", line 218, in 
_setup_networks(networks, bondings, options) 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/api.py", line 239, in 
netswitch.setup(networks, bondings, options, in_rollback) 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netswitch.py", line 132, in 
_setup_legacy(legacy_nets, legacy_bonds, options, in_rollback) 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/netswitch.py", line 150, in 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/legacy_switch.py", line 
523, in bonds_setup 
_bonds_remove(remove, configurator, _netinfo, in_rollback) 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/legacy_switch.py", line 
548, in _bonds_remove 
if _is_bond_valid_for_removal(name, _netinfo, in_rollback): 
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/network/legacy_switch.py", line 
573, in _is_bond_valid_for_removal 
'interfaces %s' % (bond, bond_users)) 
ConfigNetworkError: (31, "Cannot remove bonding bond0: used by another 
interfaces set(['bond0.105', 'bond0.104'])") 

The four host network config is same, the ovirtmgmt bond.104 is the default 

How can I add another host to cluster? 


Demeter Tibor 

E-mail: tdemeter @itsmart.hu 
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Re: [ovirt-users] Change CD Issue

2017-09-19 Thread Anantha Raghava


You pointed out right. It is a specif issue with our second host 
(Host-2). For all VMs running on First Host (Host-1), Change CD works 
fine. It throws error for all VMs running on Second Host (Host-2). It 
has no relation with Host being SPM.

Looks like some issue with our second host (Host-2) specifically.

We migrated one VM from Second Host to First Host and Change CD works 

But how do we check what the error is? How do we fix it?


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava

Do not print this e-mail unless required. Save Paper & trees.

On 20/09/17 7:52 AM, Anantha Raghava wrote:


Please find the full details about setup.

Engine is on a different machine with 
"centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64" OS and kernel is "Linux 

There are two nodes and both are with "oVirt Node 4.1.4" OS and kernel 
is "Linux 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64".

We just upgraded the Engine and not nodes. This problem surfaced.

One peculiar behaviour observed : On a host that is marked as "SPM", 
change CD works perfectly. But throws the error on the other. This was 
not a case in the past.


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava

Do not print this e-mail unless required. Save Paper & trees.

On 20/09/17 12:19 AM, Eduardo Mayoral wrote:

I upgraded the ovirt-engine to 4.1.6 yesterday. The compute nodes are 
plain CentOS 7.3 and are still in 4.1.4

Tried to reproduce your problem, Change CD works fine for me .

So this looks like something specific to your setup rather than a 
generic issue with 4.1.6

Can you provide some more information about your setup?

Eduardo Mayoral Jimeno (emayo...@arsys.es)
Administrador de sistemas. Departamento de Plataformas. Arsys internet.
+34 941 620 145 ext. 5153
On 19/09/17 13:11, Anantha Raghava wrote:


We just updated our engine to However when we attempt to 
change the CD using the UI, it is throwing the error  - "Error while 
executing action Change CD : Drive Image file could not be found." 
The image iso file very exists in the ISO Domain and has permission 
vdsm:kvm. Yet, it fails to recognise the iso image file.

This was not the case with version 4.1.3.

Can you please guide us to fix this error?


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava

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Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Change CD Issue

2017-09-19 Thread Anantha Raghava


Please find the full details about setup.

Engine is on a different machine with 
"centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64" OS and kernel is "Linux 

There are two nodes and both are with "oVirt Node 4.1.4" OS and kernel 
is "Linux 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64".

We just upgraded the Engine and not nodes. This problem surfaced.

One peculiar behaviour observed : On a host that is marked as "SPM", 
change CD works perfectly. But throws the error on the other. This was 
not a case in the past.


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava

Do not print this e-mail unless required. Save Paper & trees.

On 20/09/17 12:19 AM, Eduardo Mayoral wrote:

I upgraded the ovirt-engine to 4.1.6 yesterday. The compute nodes are 
plain CentOS 7.3 and are still in 4.1.4

Tried to reproduce your problem, Change CD works fine for me .

So this looks like something specific to your setup rather than a 
generic issue with 4.1.6

Can you provide some more information about your setup?

Eduardo Mayoral Jimeno (emayo...@arsys.es)
Administrador de sistemas. Departamento de Plataformas. Arsys internet.
+34 941 620 145 ext. 5153
On 19/09/17 13:11, Anantha Raghava wrote:


We just updated our engine to However when we attempt to 
change the CD using the UI, it is throwing the error  - "Error while 
executing action Change CD : Drive Image file could not be found." 
The image iso file very exists in the ISO Domain and has permission 
vdsm:kvm. Yet, it fails to recognise the iso image file.

This was not the case with version 4.1.3.

Can you please guide us to fix this error?


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava

Do not print this e-mail unless required. Save Paper & trees.

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[ovirt-users] Engine migration and host import

2017-09-19 Thread Ben Bradley

Hi All

I've been running a single-host ovirt setup for several months, having 
previously used a basic QEMU/KVM for a few years in lab environments.

I currently have the ovirt engine running at the bare-metal level, with 
the box also acting as the single host. I am also running this with 
local storage.

I now have an extra host I can use and would like to migrate to a hosted 
engine. The following documentation appears to be perfect and pretty 
clear about the steps involved: 

However I'd like to try and get a bit more of an understanding of the 
process that happens behind the scenes during the cut-over from one 
engine to a new/hosted engine.

As an experiment I attempted the following:
- created a new VM within my current environment (bare-metal engine)
- creating an engine-backup
- stopped the bare-metal engine
- restored the backup into the new VM
- ran engine-setup within the new VM
The new engine started up ok and I was able to connect and login to the 
web UI. However my host was "unresponsive" and I was unable to manage it 
in any way from the VM. I shut the VM down and started the bare-metal 
ovirt-engine again on the host and everything worked as before. I didn't 
try very hard to make it work however.

The magic missing from the basic process I tried is the synchronising 
and importing of the existing host, which is what the hosted-engine 
utility does.

Can anyone describe that process in a bit more detail?
Is it possible to perform any part of that process manually?

I'm planning to expand my lab and dev environments so for me it's 
important to discover the following...
- That I'm able to reverse the process back to bare-metal engine if I 
ever need/want to
- That I can setup a new VM or host with nothing more than an 
engine-backup but still be able to regain control of exiting hosts and 
VMs within the cluster

My main concern after my basic attempt at a "restore/migration" above is 
that I might not be able to re-import/sync an existing host after I have 
restored engine from a backup.

I have been able to export VMs to storage, remove them from ovirt, 
re-install engine and restore, then import VMs from the export domain. 
That all worked fine. But it involved shutting down all VMs and removing 
their definitions from the environment.

Are there any pre-requisites to being able to re-import an existing 
running host (and VMs), such as placing ALL hosts into maintenance mode 
and shutting down any VMs first?

Any insight into host recovery/import/sync processes and steps will be 
greatly appreciated.

Best regards
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Error on virt-sysprep

2017-09-19 Thread LukeFlynn
Please forgive the duplicate message, I forgot to attach the log!


I'm trying to use the "Make Templates" built in sealing functionality for a
CentOS 7 VM, and virt-sysprep returns this error:

vdsm[3221]: vdsm root ERROR Job u'131c7faf-47fd-42fc-80d9-9e9874f7625e'
   Traceback (most
recent call last):
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/jobs.py", line 154, in run
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virt/jobs/seal.py", line 73, in _run

"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/virtsysprep.py", line 44, in sysprep
cmdutils.Error(cmd, rc, out, err)
   Error: Command
['/usr/bin/virt-sysprep', '-a',
failed with rc=1 out=['[   0.0] Examining the guest ...'] err=["libvirt:
XML-RPC error : Cannot create user runtime directory '//.cache/libvirt':
Permission denied", 'virt-sysprep: error: libguestfs error: could not
connect to libvirt (URI = ', "qemu:///session): Cannot create user runtime
directory '//.cache/libvirt': ", 'Permission denied [code=38 int1=13]', '',
'If reporting bugs, run virt-sysprep with debugging enabled and include the
', 'complete output:', '', '  virt-sysprep -v -x [...]']
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Error on virt-sysprep

2017-09-19 Thread LukeFlynn

I'm trying to use the "Make Templates" built in sealing functionality for a
CentOS 7 VM, and virt-sysprep returns this error:
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] VM remote noVNC console

2017-09-19 Thread Alex K
Hi all,

I am trying to get the VM console of a VM through SSH socks proxy.
This is a scenario I will frequently face, as the ovirt cluster will be
available only though a remote SSH tunnel.

I am trying several console options without success.

With SPICE or VNC I get issue with virt-viewer saying "Unable to connect to
libvirt with URI [none]'

With noVNC I get a separate tab on browser where it is stuck showing

Has anyone success with this kind of remote console access?

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] handling non responsive task not completing

2017-09-19 Thread Edward Clay
I have an issue with ovirt where it thinks a task "Handling non
responsive host hv1" is stuck Executing.  Every time, after the server
is fenced and comes back online, when I try to activate it this host is
fenced/rebooted.  What happened before the attempt to reboot was
related to doing normal OS updates as follows.

1. Update OS/RPMs on ovirt engine host and reboot it
2. Move all VMs from hv1 to other hypervisors and put into maintenance
3. install updates via ovirt web application by right clicking hosts
and selecting "upgrade"
4. install all available updates via yum and reboot hosts
5. Once hosts has rebooted right click > confirm host has been rebooted
6. attempt to activate hosts

At this point the hosts was fenced forcing a reboot and now I can't
seem to get this host up and working.  I noticed that with the yum
updates or ovirt upgrade option it installed a 3.8.x virsion of
glusterfs packages which currently everything else is running 3.7.x
versions so I downgraded the ovirt rpms to the previous
version.  Manually rebooted and attempted to activate the host which
produced a fencing of this hosts and still a Handling non responsive
host task in the ovirt web interface.  My thought on the ovirt is that
the host, after being upgraded to the newer glusterfs rpms, couldn't
connect properly to the gluster sans.

I'm not sure what else to check or do here since I believe until this
stuck task is cleared this hosts will continue to be fenced everytime I
try to activate it.

I can ping all 3 gluster sans and the ovirt engine server from this
affected hosts.

glusterfs 3.7.20-1
All hosts/sans are running CentOS 7.3 and the one I upgraded now shows
Edward Clay
Systems Adminstrator
UK2 Group -- US Operations 
Phone: 1-800-222-2165
E-Mail: edward.c...@uk2group.com___
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Arik Hadas
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Alex K  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Arik Hadas  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Alex K  wrote:
>>> A second test did not yield the same result.
>>> This time the VMs were restarted to another host and when the lost host
>>> recovered no VMs were running on it.
>>> Seems that there is a racing issue somewhere.
>> Did you test with the same VM?
> Yes
>> were the disks + lease located on the same storage domains in both tests?
> Yes. On all cases the leases are on same storage domain, the same where
> the VM disks reside.
>> did the VM run on the same host (and if not, is the libvirt + qemu
>> versions different between the two?).
> Yes
>> It may be a racing issue but not necessarily. There is an observation in
>> the bug I mentioned before that it happens only (/more) with certain
>> storage types...
> The storage is based on gluster volume, replica 3 with 1 arbiter.
> The gluster version is 3.8.12.
> A third test yielded the same issue, VMs on recovered host remained in
> paused status.

Ack, thanks.
So I suggest you to add yourself (as CC) to [1] so you will be informed
about the resolution for this. In light of your answers it does look like a
racing issue.

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459865

>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Arik Hadas  wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Alex K 

> Hi again,
> I performed a different test by isolating one host (say host A)
> through removing all its network interfaces (thus power management through
> IPMI was also not avaialble).
> The VMs (with VM lease enabled) were successfully restarted to another
> host.
> When connecting back the host A, the cluster performed a power
> management and the host became a member of the cluster.
> The VMs that were running on the host A were found "paused", which is
> normal.
> After 15 minutes I see that the VMs at host A are still in "paused"
> state and I would expect that the cluster should decide at some point to
> shutdown the paused VMs and continue with the VMs that are already running
> at other hosts.
> Is this behavior normal?

 I believe it is not the expected behavior - the VM should not stay in
 paused state when its lease expires. But we know about this, see comment 9
 in [1].

 [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459865

> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Alex K 
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Just completed the tests and it works great.
>> VM leases is just what I needed.
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K 
>>> wrote:
 Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.

>>> Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.

 On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:

 Hi All,

 I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and
 need to check with you if there is any work around from your 

 I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup
 on top gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:

 The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI
 (server iLO).
 If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all
 network cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where 
 they try
 to verify the status of the host C by issuing power management 
 commands to
 the host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond 
 the network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs 
 were running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never 
 to the other hosts.

 Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
 available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
 decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
 other available hosts.

>>> No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated
>>> form it?
>>> Y.

 I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid
 this issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to 
 if this behavior can be tweaked.



Re: [ovirt-users] Change CD Issue

2017-09-19 Thread Eduardo Mayoral
I upgraded the ovirt-engine to 4.1.6 yesterday. The compute nodes are
plain CentOS 7.3 and are still in 4.1.4

Tried to reproduce your problem, Change CD works fine for me .

So this looks like something specific to your setup rather than a
generic issue with 4.1.6

Can you provide some more information about your setup?

Eduardo Mayoral Jimeno (emayo...@arsys.es)
Administrador de sistemas. Departamento de Plataformas. Arsys internet.
+34 941 620 145 ext. 5153

On 19/09/17 13:11, Anantha Raghava wrote:
> Hi,
> We just updated our engine to However when we attempt to
> change the CD using the UI, it is throwing the error  - "Error while
> executing action Change CD : Drive Image file could not be found." The
> image iso file very exists in the ISO Domain and has permission
> vdsm:kvm. Yet, it fails to recognise the iso image file.
> This was not the case with version 4.1.3.
> Can you please guide us to fix this error?
> -- 
> Thanks & Regards,
> Anantha Raghava
> Do not print this e-mail unless required. Save Paper & trees.
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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Re: [ovirt-users] Upgrade 4 --> 4.1 OVirt PKI problem

2017-09-19 Thread Lionel Caignec
finally i restore backup to resolve my problem.

- Mail original -
De: "Lionel Caignec" 
À: "users" 
Envoyé: Mardi 19 Septembre 2017 10:19:23
Objet: [ovirt-users] Upgrade 4 --> 4.1 OVirt PKI problem


i've just upgraded to ovirt 4.1 but with some problem, in short ovirt 
regenerate all the pki infrastructure and now i've 2 problem :

1) If i start ovirt just after install, i can log in the GUI but all my host 
are unvailable with ssl communication problem.

2) If i restore my old "/etc/pki/ovirt-engine" my hosts seems to communicate 
(engine.log) but i can't connect to the GUI. 
I've this warning "sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path 
building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: 
unable to find valid certification path to requested target".

Moreover i've running production vm on my host that i cannot poweroff. Someone 
have an idea?

Thank you.

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Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Failing to attaching master domain (nfs shares)

2017-09-19 Thread Lionel Caignec

i've just upgraded to 4.1 after some problem with PKI but now i'm facing 
problem with master data storage on one datacenter.

I've tried to reinitialize data center on new storage domain but same error 
I really does not understand because all my host see on 
/rhev/data-center/mnt/... all file of the storage domain.

What do i miss?

Please help ;)

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] how to remove or stop a stuck "transferring via API" in disk tab

2017-09-19 Thread Nathanaël Blanchet
After trying the upload_disk.py API, some aborted test still appear in 
the webadmin in a tranferring state. I get those many event messages :

VDSM gaua1.v100.abes.fr command ExtendImageTicketVDS failed: Image 
daemon request failed: u'status=404, code=404, title=Not Found, 
explanation=The resource could not be found., detail=No such ticket: 
147ddf0d-7d25-4bd2-bb4a-91d945872bca, reason=Not Found'

How to solve this?

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Fwd: AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661

2017-09-19 Thread Neil
Hi Moritz,

Thanks for your assistance.

I've checked my /etc/sysconfig/nfs on all 3 hosts and my engine and none of
them have any options specified, so I don't think it's this one.

In terms of adding a sanlock and vdsm user, was this done on your hosts or

My hosts uid for sanlock and vdsm are all the same.

I don't have a sanlock user on my ovirt engine,but I do have a vdsm user
and the uid matches across all my hosts too.

Thank you!


Neil Wilson.

On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 3:47 PM, Moritz Baumann 

> Hi Neil,
> I had similar errors ('Sanlock lockspace add failure' and SPM problems,
> ...) in the log files and my problem was that I added the "-g"  option to
> mountd (months ago without restarting the service) in /etc/sysconfig/nfs
> I had to either remove the "-g" option or add a goup sanlock and vdsm with
> the same users as on the ovirt-nodes.
> Maybe your issue is similar.
> Cheers,
> Moritz
> On 19.09.2017 14:16, Neil wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm desperate to get to the bottom of this issue. Does anyone have any
>> ideas please?
>> Thank you.
>> Regards.
>> Neil Wilson.
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: *Neil* mailto:nwilson...@gmail.com>>
>> Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 4:46 PM
>> Subject: AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661
>> To: "users@ovirt.org " > users@ovirt.org>>
>> Hi guys,
>> Please could someone shed some light on this issue I'm facing.
>> I'm trying to add a new NFS storage domain but when I try add it, I get a
>> message saying "Acquire hostID failed" and it fails to add.
>> I can mount the NFS share manually and I can see that once the attaching
>> has failed the NFS share is still mounted on the hosts, as per the
>> following...
>> on
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>> type nfs (rw,soft,nosharecache,timeo=600,retrans=6,nfsvers=3,addr=172
>> .16.0.11)
>> Also looking at the folders on the NFS share I can see that some data has
>> been written, so it's not a permissions issue...
>> drwx---r-x+ 4 vdsm kvm 4096 Sep 11 16:08 16ab135b-0362-4d7e-bb11-edf5b9
>> 3535d5
>> -rwx---rwx. 1 vdsm kvm0 Sep 11 16:08 __DIRECT_IO_TEST__
>> I have just upgraded from 3.3 to 3.5 as well as upgraded my 3 hosts in
>> the hope it's a known bug, but I'm still encountering the same problem.
>> It's not a hosted engine and you might see in the logs that I have a
>> storage domain that is out of space which I'm aware of, and I'm hoping the
>> system using this space will be decommissioned in 2 days
>> FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/sda2 420G  2.2G  413G   1% /
>> tmpfs  48G 0   48G   0% /dev/shm
>>915G  915G  424M 100%
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>> ports___RAID1__1TB
>>5.5T  3.7T  1.8T  67%
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>> ports___STORAGE1
>>3.6T  2.3T  1.3T  65%
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>>3.6T  2.0T  1.6T  56%
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>>193G   42G  141G  23%
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>>5.5T  3.7G  5.5T   1%
>> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
>> The "STOR2" above is left mounted after attempting to add the new NFS
>> storage domain.
>> Engine details:
>> Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)
>> ovirt-engine-dbscripts-
>> ovirt-release34-1.0.3-1.noarch
>> ovirt-image-uploader-3.5.0-1.fc19.noarch
>> ovirt-engine-websocket-proxy-
>> ovirt-log-collector-3.5.0-1.fc19.noarch
>> ovirt-release35-006-1.noarch
>> ovirt-engine-setup-
>> ovirt-release33-1.0.0-0.1.master.noarch
>> ovirt-engine-tools-
>> ovirt-engine-lib-
>> ovirt-engine-sdk-python-
>> ovirt-host-deploy-java-1.3.0-1.fc19.noarch
>> ovirt-engine-backend-
>> sos-3.1-1.1.fc19.ovirt.noarch
>> ovirt-engine-setup-base-
>> ovirt-engine-extensions-api-impl-
>> ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-
>> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-
>> ovirt-iso-uploader-3.5.0-1.fc19.noarch
>> ovirt-host-deploy-1.3.0-1.fc19.noarch
>> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-common-
>> ovirt-engine-

Re: [ovirt-users] Odp: How to import OVA file into oVirt

2017-09-19 Thread Arik Hadas
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 4:52 PM, gabriel_skup...@o2.pl <
gabriel_skup...@o2.pl> wrote:

> I also tried to use the Import Virtual Machines option, there is an option
> to set the source to Vmware Virtual Appliance (OVA) but I don't know how to
> fill in the Path box. Tried http://ip_address/file.ova
>  but did not work.

Yes, that's the right way of doing that.
In the path you should specify the local path to the file on the host, for
example if you placed in the export domain it will be something like:
but you can put it also in /tmp in some specific host and select that host
as a proxy.

> G.
> Dnia 19 września 2017 15:40 gabriel_skup...@o2.pl 
> napisał(a):
> I am trying to import OVA file into my test oVirt env. I already have the
> export domain configured but when I go to the "VM Import" tab the "Import"
> button in inactive.
> oVirt 4.1.5/4.1.6
> Any clue?
> G.
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Fwd: AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661

2017-09-19 Thread Moritz Baumann

Hi Neil,

I had similar errors ('Sanlock lockspace add failure' and SPM problems, 
...) in the log files and my problem was that I added the "-g"  option 
to mountd (months ago without restarting the service) in 
/etc/sysconfig/nfs under RPCMOUNTDOPTS.

I had to either remove the "-g" option or add a goup sanlock and vdsm 
with the same users as on the ovirt-nodes.

Maybe your issue is similar.


On 19.09.2017 14:16, Neil wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm desperate to get to the bottom of this issue. Does anyone have any 
ideas please?

Thank you.


Neil Wilson.

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Neil* mailto:nwilson...@gmail.com>>
Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 4:46 PM
Subject: AcquireHostIdFailure and code 661
To: "users@ovirt.org " >

Hi guys,

Please could someone shed some light on this issue I'm facing.

I'm trying to add a new NFS storage domain but when I try add it, I get 
a message saying "Acquire hostID failed" and it fails to add.

I can mount the NFS share manually and I can see that once the attaching 
has failed the NFS share is still mounted on the hosts, as per the 
following... on 
/rhev/data-center/mnt/ type 
nfs (rw,soft,nosharecache,timeo=600,retrans=6,nfsvers=3,addr=

Also looking at the folders on the NFS share I can see that some data 
has been written, so it's not a permissions issue...

drwx---r-x+ 4 vdsm kvm 4096 Sep 11 16:08 

-rwx---rwx. 1 vdsm kvm    0 Sep 11 16:08 __DIRECT_IO_TEST__

I have just upgraded from 3.3 to 3.5 as well as upgraded my 3 hosts in 
the hope it's a known bug, but I'm still encountering the same problem.

It's not a hosted engine and you might see in the logs that I have a 
storage domain that is out of space which I'm aware of, and I'm hoping 
the system using this space will be decommissioned in 2 days

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             420G  2.2G  413G   1% /
tmpfs                  48G     0   48G   0% /dev/shm
                       915G  915G  424M 100% 
                       5.5T  3.7T  1.8T  67% 
                       3.6T  2.3T  1.3T  65% 
                       3.6T  2.0T  1.6T  56% 
                       193G   42G  141G  23% 
                       5.5T  3.7G  5.5T   1% 

The "STOR2" above is left mounted after attempting to add the new NFS 
storage domain.

Engine details:
Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)

[ovirt-users] Odp: How to import OVA file into oVirt

2017-09-19 Thread gabriel_skupien
I also tried to use the Import Virtual Machines option, there is an option to 
set the source to Vmware Virtual Appliance (OVA) but I don't know how to 
fill in the Path box. Tried  domanin ip_address  but did not work.   G.  Dnia 
19 września 2017 15:40 gabriel_skup...@o2.pl  
napisał(a):  I am trying to import OVA file into my test oVirt env. I already 
have the export domain configured but when I go to the "VM Import" tab 
the "Import" button in inactive.   oVirt 4.1.5/4.1.6   Any clue?   G.  
__  Users mailing list   Users@ovirt.org  
lists.ovirt.org lists.ovirt.org
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] How to import OVA file into oVirt

2017-09-19 Thread gabriel_skupien
I am trying to import OVA file into my test oVirt env. I already have the 
export domain configured but when I go to the "VM Import" tab the 
"Import" button in inactive.   oVirt 4.1.5/4.1.6   Any clue?   G.
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Restrict a single storage domain for users/roles

2017-09-19 Thread Marco Paolone
this is my first message on ML.

First off, a short recap: I'm setting up an oVirt test environment based
on version Once in production, I'm planning to let users access
the dashboard with a custom role for basic operations (like startup,
shutdown or creation of  VMs).

For storage domains I'm using both NFS and Cinder, and I'd like to know
if there's a way to limit, for users, creation of new volumes only on

Best regards,
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Alex K
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Arik Hadas  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Alex K  wrote:
>> A second test did not yield the same result.
>> This time the VMs were restarted to another host and when the lost host
>> recovered no VMs were running on it.
>> Seems that there is a racing issue somewhere.
> Did you test with the same VM?

> were the disks + lease located on the same storage domains in both tests?
Yes. On all cases the leases are on same storage domain, the same where the
VM disks reside.

> did the VM run on the same host (and if not, is the libvirt + qemu
> versions different between the two?).

> It may be a racing issue but not necessarily. There is an observation in
> the bug I mentioned before that it happens only (/more) with certain
> storage types...
The storage is based on gluster volume, replica 3 with 1 arbiter.
The gluster version is 3.8.12.
A third test yielded the same issue, VMs on recovered host remained in
paused status.

>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Arik Hadas  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Alex K 
>>> wrote:
 Hi again,

 I performed a different test by isolating one host (say host A) through
 removing all its network interfaces (thus power management through IPMI was
 also not avaialble).
 The VMs (with VM lease enabled) were successfully restarted to another
 When connecting back the host A, the cluster performed a power
 management and the host became a member of the cluster.
 The VMs that were running on the host A were found "paused", which is
 After 15 minutes I see that the VMs at host A are still in "paused"
 state and I would expect that the cluster should decide at some point to
 shutdown the paused VMs and continue with the VMs that are already running
 at other hosts.

 Is this behavior normal?

>>> I believe it is not the expected behavior - the VM should not stay in
>>> paused state when its lease expires. But we know about this, see comment 9
>>> in [1].
>>> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459865


 On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Alex K 

> Hi All,
> Just completed the tests and it works great.
> VM leases is just what I needed.
> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K 
>> wrote:
>>> Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.
>> Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.
>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and
>>> need to check with you if there is any work around from your experience.
>>> I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup
>>> on top gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:
>>> The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI
>>> (server iLO).
>>> If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all
>>> network cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they 
>>> try
>>> to verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands 
>>> to
>>> the host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond 
>>> on
>>> the network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs 
>>> that
>>> were running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never 
>>> restarted
>>> to the other hosts.
>>> Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
>>> available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
>>> decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
>>> other available hosts.
>> No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form
>> it?
>> Y.
>>> I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid
>>> this issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to 
>>> see
>>> if this behavior can be tweaked.
>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> ___
>>> Users mailing list
>>> Users@ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Excluding Hosts from 'use any host' assignment

2017-09-19 Thread Mark Steele

We have recently added two new hosts to our Ovirt cluster and I would like
to exclude them from accepting any virtual machines starting on them unless
the VM configuration is set to start from one of those two hosts

I am not clear if this can be accomplished from the web interface and am
looking for guidance.

Best regards,

*Mark Steele*
CIO / VP Technical Operations | TelVue Corporation
TelVue - We Share Your Vision
16000 Horizon Way, Suite 100 | Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
800.885.8886 x128 | mste...@telvue.com | http://www.telvue.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/telvue | facebook:
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] libvirt: XML-RPC error : authentication failed: Failed to start SASL

2017-09-19 Thread Yaniv Kaul
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Ozan Uzun  wrote:

> After hours of struggle, I removed all the hosts.
> Installed a fresh centos 6.x on a host. Now it works like a charm.
> I will install a fresh ovirt 4.x, and start migration my vm's on new
> centos 7.4 hosts.
> The only supported way seems exporting/importing vm's for different ovirt
> engines. I wish  I had plain  qcow2 images to copy...
You could detach and attach a whole storage domain.

> On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 at 10:18, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:47 PM, Ozan Uzun  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Today I updated my ovirt engine v3.5 and all my hosts on one datacenter
>>> (centos 7.4 ones).
>> You are mixing an ancient release (oVirt 3.5) with the latest CentOS.
>> This is not supported at best, and who knows if it works.
>>> and suddenly  my vdsm and vdsm-network  services stopped working.
>>> btw: My other DC is centos 6 based (managed from the same ovirt engine),
>>> everything works just fine there.
>>> vdsm fails dependent on vdsm-network service, with lots of RPC error.
>>> I tried to configure vdsm-tool configure --force, deleted everything
>>> (vdsm-libvirt), reinstalled.
>>> Could not make it work.
>>> My logs are filled with the follogin
>>> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 python[5340]: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS
>>> failure.  Minor code may provide more information (No Kerberos credentials
>>> available (default cache: KEYRING:persistent:0))
>> This may sound like a change that happened in libvirt authentication,
>> which we've adjusted to in oVirt 4.1.5 (specifically VDSM) I believe.
>> Y.
>>> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirt: XML-RPC error :
>>> authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1):
>>> generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
>>> provide more information (No Kerberos credent
>>> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 libvirtd[4312]: 2017-09-18 20:06:01.954+:
>>> 4312: error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
>>> Input/output error
>>> ---
>>> journalctl -xe output for vdsm-network
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirt: XML-RPC error :
>>> authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1):
>>> generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
>>> provide more information (No Kerberos credent
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/bin/vdsm-tool", line
>>> 219, in main
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 libvirtd[4312]: 2017-09-18 20:06:02.558+:
>>> 4312: error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
>>> Input/output error
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return
>>> tool_command[cmd]["command"](*args)
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-
>>> packages/vdsm/tool/upgrade_300_networks.py", line 83, in
>>> upgrade_networks
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: networks = netinfo.networks()
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File 
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/netinfo.py",
>>> line 112, in networks
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: conn = libvirtconnection.get()
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-
>>> packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 159, in get
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: conn = _open_qemu_connection()
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-
>>> packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 95, in _open_qemu_connection
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return utils.retry(libvirtOpen,
>>> timeout=10, sleep=0.2)
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File 
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/utils.py",
>>> line 1108, in retry
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return func()
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File 
>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py",
>>> line 105, in openAuth
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: if ret is None:raise
>>> libvirtError('virConnectOpenAuth() failed')
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirtError: authentication
>>> failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1): generic failure:
>>> GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
>>> information (No Kerberos credentials availa
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 systemd[1]: vdsm-network.service: control process
>>> exited, code=exited status=1
>>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Desktop Server
>>> Manager network restoration.
>>> -
>>> libvirt is running but throws some errors.
>>> [root@node6 ~]# systemctl status libvirtd
>>> ● libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon
>>>Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled;
>>> vendor preset: enabled)
>>>   Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/libvirtd.service.d

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Arik Hadas
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Alex K  wrote:

> A second test did not yield the same result.
> This time the VMs were restarted to another host and when the lost host
> recovered no VMs were running on it.
> Seems that there is a racing issue somewhere.

Did you test with the same VM? were the disks + lease located on the same
storage domains in both tests? did the VM run on the same host (and if not,
is the libvirt + qemu versions different between the two?).
It may be a racing issue but not necessarily. There is an observation in
the bug I mentioned before that it happens only (/more) with certain
storage types...

> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Arik Hadas  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Alex K  wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I performed a different test by isolating one host (say host A) through
>>> removing all its network interfaces (thus power management through IPMI was
>>> also not avaialble).
>>> The VMs (with VM lease enabled) were successfully restarted to another
>>> host.
>>> When connecting back the host A, the cluster performed a power
>>> management and the host became a member of the cluster.
>>> The VMs that were running on the host A were found "paused", which is
>>> normal.
>>> After 15 minutes I see that the VMs at host A are still in "paused"
>>> state and I would expect that the cluster should decide at some point to
>>> shutdown the paused VMs and continue with the VMs that are already running
>>> at other hosts.
>>> Is this behavior normal?
>> I believe it is not the expected behavior - the VM should not stay in
>> paused state when its lease expires. But we know about this, see comment 9
>> in [1].
>> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459865
>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Alex K 
>>> wrote:
 Hi All,

 Just completed the tests and it works great.
 VM leases is just what I needed.


 On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K 
> wrote:
>> Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.
> Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and need
>> to check with you if there is any work around from your experience.
>> I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup on
>> top gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:
>> The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI
>> (server iLO).
>> If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all
>> network cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they 
>> try
>> to verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands 
>> to
>> the host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond on
>> the network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs 
>> that
>> were running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never 
>> restarted
>> to the other hosts.
>> Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
>> available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
>> decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
>> other available hosts.
> No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form
> it?
> Y.
>> I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid
>> this issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to see
>> if this behavior can be tweaked.
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users

>>> ___
>>> Users mailing list
>>> Users@ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Odp: Re: ovirt upgrade problem

2017-09-19 Thread gabriel_skupien
Dnia 19 września 2017 09:48 Simone Tiraboschi  
napisał(a):On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:19 PM,gabriel_skup...@o2.pl   
<   gabriel_skup...@o2.pl >  wrote:  Hi,   While trying to upgrade my 
ovirt node from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6 I get the below errors. Can you help?   .  .  .  
2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager 
yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 
1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch. rpm 550 M(99%)  
2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager 
yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 
1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch. rpm 551 M(99%)  
2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager 
yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 
1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch. rpm 551 M(99%)  
2017-09-18 09:25:31 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  
yumpackager.info:80 yumpackager.info:80  Yum Download/Verify: 
ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. 
gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:25:35 DEBUG 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum 
Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. 
gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch. rpm 551 M(100%)  2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum Status: Check Package Signatures  2017-09-18 09:25:35 
INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum Status: Running Test Transaction  Running Transaction 
Check  2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  
yumpackager.info:80 yumpackager.info:80  Yum Status: Running Transaction  
2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  
yumpackager.info:80 yumpackager.info:80  Yum obsoleting: 1/3: 
ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. 
gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Script 
sink: warning: %post(ovirt-node-ng-image- update-4.1.6-0.2.rc2. 
20170830082757.gite10769f.el7. centos.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1   
The upgrade issue seams here but from this log is not really clear.  Could you 
please check /var/log/messages, yum logs and /tmp/imgbased.log ?   By the way 
ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1 is just a pre-release package which 
shouldn't be there and the stable one for 4.1.6 is still waiting for 
qemu-kvm-ev 2.9.So, why did the notification appear saying that the new 
update is available to install? My initial Node version was 4.1.2017082211.iso  
 After a few tries and reboots it finally worked. No idea why ;/   
2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager 
yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update. noarch 
0:4.1.6-0.2.rc2. 20170830082757.gite10769f.el7. centos - u  2017-09-18 09:32:11 
ERROR otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager yumpackager.error:85 Yum 
Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 
1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:32:11 
DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum 
Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. 
gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: 
ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757. 
gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:32:11 INFO 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum erase: 2/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update- placeholder  
2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager 
yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update- 
placeholder-4.1.5-1.el7. centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:32:11 INFO 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum updated: 3/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update  2017-09-18 
09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager 
yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4. 
1.5-1.el7.centos.noarch  2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum Verify: 1/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update. noarch 
0:4.1.6-0.2.rc2. 20170830082757.gite10769f.el7. centos - u  2017-09-18 09:32:12 
INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum Verify: 2/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update- 
placeholder.noarch 0:4.1.5-1.el7.centos - od  2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO 
otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers. yumpackager  yumpackager.info:80 
yumpackager.info:80  Yum Verify: 3/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update. noarch 
0:4.1.5-1.el7.centos - ud  2017-09-18 09:32:12 DEBUG 

[ovirt-users] Change CD Issue

2017-09-19 Thread Anantha Raghava


We just updated our engine to However when we attempt to change 
the CD using the UI, it is throwing the error  - "Error while executing 
action Change CD : Drive Image file could not be found." The image iso 
file very exists in the ISO Domain and has permission vdsm:kvm. Yet, it 
fails to recognise the iso image file.

This was not the case with version 4.1.3.

Can you please guide us to fix this error?


Thanks & Regards,

Anantha Raghava

Do not print this e-mail unless required. Save Paper & trees.
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] can't upload a disk with web UI or API

2017-09-19 Thread Nir Soffer
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:53 PM Nir Soffer  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:27 PM Nathanaël Blanchet 
> wrote:
>> When trying to upload a raw/qcow2 image, I get this issue:
>> Unable to upload image to disk b9099a35-247d-40e5-9f24-b4c39db2dfff due
>> to a network error. Make sure ovirt-imageio-proxy service is installed
>> and configured, and ovirt-engine's certificate is registered as a valid
>> CA in the browser. The certificate can be fetched from
>> https://
>> /ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA
>> While certificate is already imported into browser, ovirt-imageio-proxy
>> is started on engine and ovirt-imageio-daemon started on nodes. Ports
>> are correctly opened on proxy and nodes and hosts are reachable by their
>> fqdn
>> Here are logs on the proxy
>> ovirt-imageio-proxy web ERROR - PUT  500 209
>> (0.00s)#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_imageio_common/web.py", line 48,
>> in __call__#012resp = self.dispatch(request)#012 File "/usr/lib
>> /python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_imageio_common/web.py", line 73, in
>> dispatch#012return method(*match.groups())#012  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7 /site-packages/ovirt_imageio_proxy/http_helper.py",
>> line 88, in wrapper#012ret = func(self, *args)#012  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packa ges/ovirt_imageio_proxy/http_helper.py",
>> line 59, in wrapper#012ret = func(self, *args)#012  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_i
>> mageio_proxy/image_handler.py", line 75, in put#012return
>> self.send_data(self.request)#012  File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_im
>> ageio_proxy/image_handler.py", line 107, in send_data#012body =
>> web.CappedStream(request.body_file,
>> max_transfer_bytes)#012AttributeError: 'module' object has no
>> attribute 'CappedStream'
> You have an old ovirt-imageio-common package, please update to
> latest versions of ovirt-imageio-* packages and restart the proxy.
> If you can reproduce this issue by installing or upgrading, please
> file a bug, maybe we don't have correct requirements in the proxy
> spec.

Looking at the spec we do not require a specific version of the
package, so updating ovirt-imageio-proxy can cause this issue.

Please file a bug.

> Nir
>> Thank you for your help.
>> --
>> Nathanaël Blanchet
>> Supervision réseau
>> Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
>> 227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
>> Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
>> Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
>> blanc...@abes.fr
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] can't upload a disk with web UI or API

2017-09-19 Thread Nir Soffer
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:27 PM Nathanaël Blanchet  wrote:

> When trying to upload a raw/qcow2 image, I get this issue:
> Unable to upload image to disk b9099a35-247d-40e5-9f24-b4c39db2dfff due
> to a network error. Make sure ovirt-imageio-proxy service is installed
> and configured, and ovirt-engine's certificate is registered as a valid
> CA in the browser. The certificate can be fetched from
> https://
> /ovirt-engine/services/pki-resource?resource=ca-certificate&format=X509-PEM-CA
> While certificate is already imported into browser, ovirt-imageio-proxy
> is started on engine and ovirt-imageio-daemon started on nodes. Ports
> are correctly opened on proxy and nodes and hosts are reachable by their
> fqdn
> Here are logs on the proxy
> ovirt-imageio-proxy web ERROR - PUT  500 209
> (0.00s)#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_imageio_common/web.py", line 48,
> in __call__#012resp = self.dispatch(request)#012 File "/usr/lib
> /python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_imageio_common/web.py", line 73, in
> dispatch#012return method(*match.groups())#012  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7 /site-packages/ovirt_imageio_proxy/http_helper.py",
> line 88, in wrapper#012ret = func(self, *args)#012  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packa ges/ovirt_imageio_proxy/http_helper.py",
> line 59, in wrapper#012ret = func(self, *args)#012  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_i
> mageio_proxy/image_handler.py", line 75, in put#012return
> self.send_data(self.request)#012  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_im
> ageio_proxy/image_handler.py", line 107, in send_data#012body =
> web.CappedStream(request.body_file,
> max_transfer_bytes)#012AttributeError: 'module' object has no
> attribute 'CappedStream'

You have an old ovirt-imageio-common package, please update to
latest versions of ovirt-imageio-* packages and restart the proxy.

If you can reproduce this issue by installing or upgrading, please
file a bug, maybe we don't have correct requirements in the proxy


> Thank you for your help.
> --
> Nathanaël Blanchet
> Supervision réseau
> Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
> 227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
> Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
> Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
> blanc...@abes.fr
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] can't upload a disk with web UI or API

2017-09-19 Thread Nathanaël Blanchet

When trying to upload a raw/qcow2 image, I get this issue:

Unable to upload image to disk b9099a35-247d-40e5-9f24-b4c39db2dfff due 
to a network error. Make sure ovirt-imageio-proxy service is installed 
and configured, and ovirt-engine's certificate is registered as a valid 
CA in the browser. The certificate can be fetched from 

While certificate is already imported into browser, ovirt-imageio-proxy 
is started on engine and ovirt-imageio-daemon started on nodes. Ports 
are correctly opened on proxy and nodes and hosts are reachable by their 

Here are logs on the proxy

ovirt-imageio-proxy web ERROR - PUT  500 209 
(0.00s)#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_imageio_common/web.py", line 48, 
in __call__#012resp = self.dispatch(request)#012 File "/usr/lib 
/python2.7/site-packages/ovirt_imageio_common/web.py", line 73, in 
dispatch#012return method(*match.groups())#012  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7 /site-packages/ovirt_imageio_proxy/http_helper.py", 
line 88, in wrapper#012ret = func(self, *args)#012  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packa ges/ovirt_imageio_proxy/http_helper.py", 
line 59, in wrapper#012ret = func(self, *args)#012  File 
mageio_proxy/image_handler.py", line 75, in put#012return 
self.send_data(self.request)#012  File 
ageio_proxy/image_handler.py", line 107, in send_data#012body = 
max_transfer_bytes)#012AttributeError: 'module' object has no 
attribute 'CappedStream'

Thank you for your help.

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Alex K
A second test did not yield the same result.
This time the VMs were restarted to another host and when the lost host
recovered no VMs were running on it.
Seems that there is a racing issue somewhere.


On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Arik Hadas  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Alex K  wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I performed a different test by isolating one host (say host A) through
>> removing all its network interfaces (thus power management through IPMI was
>> also not avaialble).
>> The VMs (with VM lease enabled) were successfully restarted to another
>> host.
>> When connecting back the host A, the cluster performed a power management
>> and the host became a member of the cluster.
>> The VMs that were running on the host A were found "paused", which is
>> normal.
>> After 15 minutes I see that the VMs at host A are still in "paused" state
>> and I would expect that the cluster should decide at some point to shutdown
>> the paused VMs and continue with the VMs that are already running at other
>> hosts.
>> Is this behavior normal?
> I believe it is not the expected behavior - the VM should not stay in
> paused state when its lease expires. But we know about this, see comment 9
> in [1].
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459865
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Alex K  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Just completed the tests and it works great.
>>> VM leases is just what I needed.
>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K 

> Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.
 Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.

> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and need
> to check with you if there is any work around from your experience.
> I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup on
> top gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:
> The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI
> (server iLO).
> If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all network
> cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they try to
> verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands to 
> the
> host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond on the
> network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs that 
> were
> running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never restarted to
> the other hosts.
> Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
> available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
> decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
> other available hosts.
 No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form

> I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid this
> issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to see if
> this behavior can be tweaked.
> Thanx,
> Alex
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users

>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] libvirt: XML-RPC error : authentication failed: Failed to start SASL

2017-09-19 Thread Ozan Uzun
After hours of struggle, I removed all the hosts.
Installed a fresh centos 6.x on a host. Now it works like a charm.

I will install a fresh ovirt 4.x, and start migration my vm's on new centos
7.4 hosts.

The only supported way seems exporting/importing vm's for different ovirt
engines. I wish  I had plain  qcow2 images to copy...

On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 at 10:18, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:47 PM, Ozan Uzun  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Today I updated my ovirt engine v3.5 and all my hosts on one datacenter
>> (centos 7.4 ones).
> You are mixing an ancient release (oVirt 3.5) with the latest CentOS. This
> is not supported at best, and who knows if it works.
>> and suddenly  my vdsm and vdsm-network  services stopped working.
>> btw: My other DC is centos 6 based (managed from the same ovirt engine),
>> everything works just fine there.
>> vdsm fails dependent on vdsm-network service, with lots of RPC error.
>> I tried to configure vdsm-tool configure --force, deleted everything
>> (vdsm-libvirt), reinstalled.
>> Could not make it work.
>> My logs are filled with the follogin
>> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 python[5340]: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS
>> failure.  Minor code may provide more information (No Kerberos credentials
>> available (default cache: KEYRING:persistent:0))
> This may sound like a change that happened in libvirt authentication,
> which we've adjusted to in oVirt 4.1.5 (specifically VDSM) I believe.
> Y.
>> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirt: XML-RPC error :
>> authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1):
>> generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
>> provide more information (No Kerberos credent
>> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 libvirtd[4312]: 2017-09-18 20:06:01.954+: 4312:
>> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
>> Input/output error
>> ---
>> journalctl -xe output for vdsm-network
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirt: XML-RPC error :
>> authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1):
>> generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
>> provide more information (No Kerberos credent
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: Traceback (most recent call last):
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/bin/vdsm-tool", line
>> 219, in main
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 libvirtd[4312]: 2017-09-18 20:06:02.558+: 4312:
>> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
>> Input/output error
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return
>> tool_command[cmd]["command"](*args)
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/tool/upgrade_300_networks.py", line
>> 83, in upgrade_networks
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: networks = netinfo.networks()
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/netinfo.py", line 112, in networks
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: conn = libvirtconnection.get()
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 159, in
>> get
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: conn = _open_qemu_connection()
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 95, in
>> _open_qemu_connection
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return utils.retry(libvirtOpen,
>> timeout=10, sleep=0.2)
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File
>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/utils.py", line 1108, in retry
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return func()
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File
>> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 105, in openAuth
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: if ret is None:raise
>> libvirtError('virConnectOpenAuth() failed')
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirtError: authentication
>> failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1): generic failure:
>> GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
>> information (No Kerberos credentials availa
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 systemd[1]: vdsm-network.service: control process
>> exited, code=exited status=1
>> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Desktop Server
>> Manager network restoration.
>> -
>> libvirt is running but throws some errors.
>> [root@node6 ~]# systemctl status libvirtd
>> ● libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon
>>Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled;
>> vendor preset: enabled)
>>   Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/libvirtd.service.d
>>Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-09-18 23:15:47 +03; 19min ago
>>  Docs: man:libvirtd(8)
>>  Main PID: 6125 (libvirtd)
>>CGroup: /system.slice/libvirtd.service

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Arik Hadas
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Alex K  wrote:

> Hi again,
> I performed a different test by isolating one host (say host A) through
> removing all its network interfaces (thus power management through IPMI was
> also not avaialble).
> The VMs (with VM lease enabled) were successfully restarted to another
> host.
> When connecting back the host A, the cluster performed a power management
> and the host became a member of the cluster.
> The VMs that were running on the host A were found "paused", which is
> normal.
> After 15 minutes I see that the VMs at host A are still in "paused" state
> and I would expect that the cluster should decide at some point to shutdown
> the paused VMs and continue with the VMs that are already running at other
> hosts.
> Is this behavior normal?

I believe it is not the expected behavior - the VM should not stay in
paused state when its lease expires. But we know about this, see comment 9
in [1].

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1459865

> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Alex K  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Just completed the tests and it works great.
>> VM leases is just what I needed.
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K  wrote:
 Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.

>>> Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.

 On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:

 Hi All,

 I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and need
 to check with you if there is any work around from your experience.

 I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup on
 top gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:

 The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI (server
 If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all network
 cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they try to
 verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands to the
 host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond on the
 network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs that were
 running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never restarted to
 the other hosts.

 Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
 available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
 decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
 other available hosts.

>>> No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form it?
>>> Y.

 I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid this
 issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to see if
 this behavior can be tweaked.


 Users mailing list

> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Alex K
Hi again,

I performed a different test by isolating one host (say host A) through
removing all its network interfaces (thus power management through IPMI was
also not avaialble).
The VMs (with VM lease enabled) were successfully restarted to another
When connecting back the host A, the cluster performed a power management
and the host became a member of the cluster.
The VMs that were running on the host A were found "paused", which is
After 15 minutes I see that the VMs at host A are still in "paused" state
and I would expect that the cluster should decide at some point to shutdown
the paused VMs and continue with the VMs that are already running at other

Is this behavior normal?


On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Alex K  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just completed the tests and it works great.
> VM leases is just what I needed.
> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K  wrote:
>>> Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.
>> Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.
>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and need to
>>> check with you if there is any work around from your experience.
>>> I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup on
>>> top gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:
>>> The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI (server
>>> iLO).
>>> If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all network
>>> cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they try to
>>> verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands to the
>>> host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond on the
>>> network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs that were
>>> running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never restarted to
>>> the other hosts.
>>> Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
>>> available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
>>> decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
>>> other available hosts.
>> No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form it?
>> Y.
>>> I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid this
>>> issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to see if
>>> this behavior can be tweaked.
>>> Thanx,
>>> Alex
>>> ___
>>> Users mailing list
>>> Users@ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] ovirt upgrade problem

2017-09-19 Thread Simone Tiraboschi
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Simone Tiraboschi 

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:19 PM, gabriel_skup...@o2.pl <
> gabriel_skup...@o2.pl> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> While trying to upgrade my ovirt node from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6 I get the below
>> errors. Can you help?
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 550 M(99%)
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 551 M(99%)
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 551 M(99%)
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:31 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Download/Verify: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 551 M(100%)
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Status: Check Package Signatures
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Status: Running Test Transaction
>> Running Transaction Check
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Status: Running Transaction
>> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum obsoleting: 1/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Script sink: warning:
>> %post(ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1.6-0.2.rc2.2017083008275
>> 7.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
> The upgrade issue seams here but from this log is not really clear.
> Could you please check /var/log/messages, yum logs and /tmp/imgbased.log ?

Ok, reproduced.
I filed this one to track it:

> By the way ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.
> gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm is just a pre-release package which
> shouldn't be there and the stable one for 4.1.6 is still waiting for
> qemu-kvm-ev 2.9.
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update.noarch
>> 0:4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos - u
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 ERROR otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.error:85 Yum Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package
>> ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite
>> 10769f.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum erase: 2/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-pla
>> ceholder
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-pla
>> ceholder-4.1.5-1.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum updated: 3/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1
>> .5-1.el7.centos.noarch
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Verify: 1/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update.noarch
>> 0:4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos - u
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Verify: 2/3: 
>> ovirt-node-ng-image-update-placeholder.noarch
>> 0:4.1.5-1.el7.centos - od
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Verify: 3/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update.noarch
>> 0:4.1.5-1.el7.centos - ud
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
>> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Transaction processed
>> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:142 method
>> exception
>> Traceback (most recen

Re: [ovirt-users] Current state of infiniband support in ovirt?

2017-09-19 Thread Arman Khalatyan
Hi Jeff,
you can find some information in the docs:
The IB can be used for the storage and vm migration network,  but not for
the VM network due to the bonding.
in our institute we have such a setup, storage over IB the rest over 10G
network. Works over the several years quite stable.
Now I am testing the glusterfs over rdma, unfortunately there are some bugs
in the ovirt storage implementation, so the gluster does not benefit from
the  IB performance, but you can use them over tcp/ip stack.

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 9:25 PM, Jeff Wiegley  wrote:

> I'm looking at creating a scalable HA cluster. I've been looking at ovirt
> for the
> VM management side. (Proxmox/VMware are essentially licensed products and
> I'm at a university with no money and OpenStack seemed overkill and I don't
> need random users managing VM provisioning ala AWS)
> I need a central HA backend storage and I'm interested in using infiniband
> because it's very fast (40Gb) and cheap to obtain switches and adapters
> for.
> However, I was wondering if ovirt is capable of using infiniband in a No-IP
> SAN configuration? (I've seen that infiniband/IP over Infiniband/NFS is
> possible
> but I would rather use SAN instead of NAS and also avoid the IP overhead
> in the long run.
> What is the current state of using raw infiniband to provide SAN storage
> for
> ovirt based installations?
> Thank you for your expertise,
> Jeff W.
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Upgrade 4 --> 4.1 OVirt PKI problem

2017-09-19 Thread Lionel Caignec

i've just upgraded to ovirt 4.1 but with some problem, in short ovirt 
regenerate all the pki infrastructure and now i've 2 problem :

1) If i start ovirt just after install, i can log in the GUI but all my host 
are unvailable with ssl communication problem.

2) If i restore my old "/etc/pki/ovirt-engine" my hosts seems to communicate 
(engine.log) but i can't connect to the GUI. 
I've this warning "sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path 
building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: 
unable to find valid certification path to requested target".

Moreover i've running production vm on my host that i cannot poweroff. Someone 
have an idea?

Thank you.

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Current state of infiniband support in ovirt?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeff Wiegley
I'm looking at creating a scalable HA cluster. I've been looking at 
ovirt for the

VM management side. (Proxmox/VMware are essentially licensed products and
I'm at a university with no money and OpenStack seemed overkill and I don't
need random users managing VM provisioning ala AWS)

I need a central HA backend storage and I'm interested in using infiniband
because it's very fast (40Gb) and cheap to obtain switches and adapters

However, I was wondering if ovirt is capable of using infiniband in a No-IP
SAN configuration? (I've seen that infiniband/IP over Infiniband/NFS is 

but I would rather use SAN instead of NAS and also avoid the IP overhead
in the long run.

What is the current state of using raw infiniband to provide SAN storage for
ovirt based installations?

Thank you for your expertise,

Jeff W.

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] ovirt upgrade problem

2017-09-19 Thread Simone Tiraboschi
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:19 PM, gabriel_skup...@o2.pl <
gabriel_skup...@o2.pl> wrote:

> Hi,
> While trying to upgrade my ovirt node from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6 I get the below
> errors. Can you help?
> .
> .
> .
> 2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 550 M(99%)
> 2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 551 M(99%)
> 2017-09-18 09:25:30 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 551 M(99%)
> 2017-09-18 09:25:31 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Download/Verify: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Downloading: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch.rpm 551 M(100%)
> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Status: Check Package Signatures
> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Status: Running Test Transaction
> Running Transaction Check
> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Status: Running Transaction
> 2017-09-18 09:25:35 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum obsoleting: 1/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Script sink: warning: %post(ovirt-node-ng-image-
> update-4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch)
> scriptlet failed, exit status 1

The upgrade issue seams here but from this log is not really clear.
Could you please check /var/log/messages, yum logs and /tmp/imgbased.log ?

By the way
is just a pre-release package which shouldn't be there and the stable one
for 4.1.6 is still waiting for qemu-kvm-ev 2.9.

> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update.noarch
> 0:4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos - u
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 ERROR otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.error:85 Yum Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package
> ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.
> gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum erase: 2/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-placeholder
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-
> placeholder-4.1.5-1.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum updated: 3/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update
> 2017-09-18 09:32:11 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Done: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-4.
> 1.5-1.el7.centos.noarch
> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Verify: 1/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update.noarch
> 0:4.1.6-0.2.rc2.20170830082757.gite10769f.el7.centos - u
> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Verify: 2/3: 
> ovirt-node-ng-image-update-placeholder.noarch
> 0:4.1.5-1.el7.centos - od
> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 INFO otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.info:80 Yum Verify: 3/3: ovirt-node-ng-image-update.noarch
> 0:4.1.5-1.el7.centos - ud
> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.packagers.yumpackager
> yumpackager.verbose:76 Yum Transaction processed
> 2017-09-18 09:32:12 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:142 method
> exception
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/tmp/ovirt-kRPMlHbiO5/pythonlib/otopi/context.py", line 132, in
> _executeMethod
> method['method']()
>   File "/tmp/ovirt-kRPMlHbiO5/otopi-plugins/otopi/packagers/yumpackager.py",
> line 261, in _packages
> self._miniyum.processTransaction

Re: [ovirt-users] Server Not Responding

2017-09-19 Thread Piotr Kliczewski

I checked your logs and I see extensive activity of ioprocess at that
time which seems to cause getAllVmStats to be processed 7 seconds
The call was invoked on vdsm side much later than we saw heartbeat
exceeded exception on the engine side.

@Nir please take a look


2017-09-13 04:07:07,126-0500 INFO  (itmap/0) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10031 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,176-0500 INFO  (itmap/1) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10032 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,222-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9466) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,226-0500 INFO  (itmap/2) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10033 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,279-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9474) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,284-0500 INFO  (itmap/3) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10034 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,332-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9482) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,340-0500 INFO  (itmap/4) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10035 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,395-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9502) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,401-0500 INFO  (itmap/5) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10036 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,461-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9523) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,469-0500 INFO  (itmap/6) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10037 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,525-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9538) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,532-0500 INFO  (itmap/7) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10038 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,579-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9556) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,583-0500 INFO  (itmap/8) [IOProcessClient]
Starting client ioprocess-10039 (__init__:330)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,628-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9569) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,642-0500 INFO  (monitor/cacbac0)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_cacbac0c-4b08-46cd-ace8-b23266c92291 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,642-0500 INFO  (monitor/cacbac0)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_cacbac0c-4b08-46cd-ace8-b23266c92291 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,646-0500 INFO  (monitor/e371d38)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_e371d380-7194-4950-b901-5f2aed5dfb35 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,646-0500 INFO  (monitor/e371d38)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_e371d380-7194-4950-b901-5f2aed5dfb35 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,655-0500 INFO  (monitor/ea15319)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_ea153191-ac25-4984-aaec-4a59cbf383a5 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,655-0500 INFO  (monitor/ea15319)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_ea153191-ac25-4984-aaec-4a59cbf383a5 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,661-0500 INFO  (monitor/58a7c5d)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_58a7c5dd-0b31-4066-ae05-8f541614dfde already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,661-0500 INFO  (monitor/58a7c5d)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_58a7c5dd-0b31-4066-ae05-8f541614dfde already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,665-0500 INFO  (ioprocess/9582) [IOProcess]
Starting ioprocess (__init__:452)
2017-09-13 04:07:07,668-0500 INFO  (monitor/f9cab69)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_f9cab69e-ae3d-4b6d-8a02-389e4b1d8764 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,668-0500 INFO  (monitor/f9cab69)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_f9cab69e-ae3d-4b6d-8a02-389e4b1d8764 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,669-0500 INFO  (monitor/f927ceb)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_f927ceb8-91d2-41bd-ba42-dc795395b6d0 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,669-0500 INFO  (monitor/f927ceb)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_f927ceb8-91d2-41bd-ba42-dc795395b6d0 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,688-0500 INFO  (monitor/031c06e)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_031c06e4-9ba6-4572-8800-39da4a5420f0 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,688-0500 INFO  (monitor/031c06e)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_031c06e4-9ba6-4572-8800-39da4a5420f0 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,725-0500 INFO  (monitor/804be30)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
01_img_804be302-3763-403b-96db-febebcbfd778 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:07,725-0500 INFO  (monitor/804be30)
[storage.StorageDomain] Resource namespace
02_vol_804be302-3763-403b-96db-febebcbfd778 already registered
2017-09-13 04:07:14,688-0500 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
RPC call Host.getAllVmStats succeeded in 0.02 seconds (__init__:539)

Re: [ovirt-users] libvirt: XML-RPC error : authentication failed: Failed to start SASL

2017-09-19 Thread Yaniv Kaul
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:47 PM, Ozan Uzun  wrote:

> Hello,
> Today I updated my ovirt engine v3.5 and all my hosts on one datacenter
> (centos 7.4 ones).

You are mixing an ancient release (oVirt 3.5) with the latest CentOS. This
is not supported at best, and who knows if it works.

> and suddenly  my vdsm and vdsm-network  services stopped working.
> btw: My other DC is centos 6 based (managed from the same ovirt engine),
> everything works just fine there.
> vdsm fails dependent on vdsm-network service, with lots of RPC error.
> I tried to configure vdsm-tool configure --force, deleted everything
> (vdsm-libvirt), reinstalled.
> Could not make it work.
> My logs are filled with the follogin
> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 python[5340]: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS
> failure.  Minor code may provide more information (No Kerberos credentials
> available (default cache: KEYRING:persistent:0))

This may sound like a change that happened in libvirt authentication, which
we've adjusted to in oVirt 4.1.5 (specifically VDSM) I believe.

> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirt: XML-RPC error :
> authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1):
> generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
> provide more information (No Kerberos credent
> Sep 18 23:06:01 node6 libvirtd[4312]: 2017-09-18 20:06:01.954+: 4312:
> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
> Input/output error
> ---
> journalctl -xe output for vdsm-network
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirt: XML-RPC error :
> authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1):
> generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may
> provide more information (No Kerberos credent
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: Traceback (most recent call last):
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/bin/vdsm-tool", line
> 219, in main
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 libvirtd[4312]: 2017-09-18 20:06:02.558+: 4312:
> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
> Input/output error
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return
> tool_command[cmd]["command"](*args)
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-
> packages/vdsm/tool/upgrade_300_networks.py", line 83, in upgrade_networks
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: networks = netinfo.networks()
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/netinfo.py",
> line 112, in networks
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: conn = libvirtconnection.get()
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-
> packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 159, in get
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: conn = _open_qemu_connection()
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-
> packages/vdsm/libvirtconnection.py", line 95, in _open_qemu_connection
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return utils.retry(libvirtOpen,
> timeout=10, sleep=0.2)
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/utils.py",
> line 1108, in retry
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: return func()
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: File 
> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py",
> line 105, in openAuth
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: if ret is None:raise 
> libvirtError('virConnectOpenAuth()
> failed')
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 vdsm-tool[5340]: libvirtError: authentication
> failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1): generic failure:
> GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
> information (No Kerberos credentials availa
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 systemd[1]: vdsm-network.service: control process
> exited, code=exited status=1
> Sep 18 23:06:02 node6 systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtual Desktop Server
> Manager network restoration.
> -
> libvirt is running but throws some errors.
> [root@node6 ~]# systemctl status libvirtd
> ● libvirtd.service - Virtualization daemon
>Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled;
> vendor preset: enabled)
>   Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/libvirtd.service.d
>Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-09-18 23:15:47 +03; 19min ago
>  Docs: man:libvirtd(8)
>  Main PID: 6125 (libvirtd)
>CGroup: /system.slice/libvirtd.service
>└─6125 /usr/sbin/libvirtd --listen
> Sep 18 23:15:56 node6 libvirtd[6125]: 2017-09-18 20:15:56.195+: 6125:
> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
> Input/output error
> Sep 18 23:15:56 node6 libvirtd[6125]: 2017-09-18 20:15:56.396+: 6125:
> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 : End of file while reading data:
> Input/output error
> Sep 18 23:15:56 node6 libvirtd[6125]: 2017-09-18 20:15:56.597+: 6125:
> error : virNetSocketReadWire:1808 

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Alex K
Hi All,

Just completed the tests and it works great.
VM leases is just what I needed.


On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Yaniv Kaul  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K  wrote:
>> Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.
> Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and need to
>> check with you if there is any work around from your experience.
>> I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup on top
>> gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:
>> The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI (server
>> iLO).
>> If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all network
>> cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they try to
>> verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands to the
>> host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond on the
>> network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs that were
>> running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never restarted to
>> the other hosts.
>> Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
>> available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
>> decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
>> other available hosts.
> No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form it?
> Y.
>> I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid this
>> issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to see if
>> this behavior can be tweaked.
>> Thanx,
>> Alex
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA behavior

2017-09-19 Thread Yaniv Kaul
On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 1:00 AM, Alex K  wrote:

> Enabling VM leases could be an answer to this. Will test tomorrow.
Indeed. Let us know how it worked for you.

> Thanx,
> Alex
> On Sep 18, 2017 7:50 PM, "Alex K"  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have the following issue with the HA behavior of oVirt 4.1 and need to
> check with you if there is any work around from your experience.
> I have 3 servers (A, B, C) with hosted engine in self hosted setup on top
> gluster with replica 3 + 1 arbiter. All good except one point:
> The hosts have been configured with power management using IPMI (server
> iLO).
> If I disconnect power from one host (say C) (or disconnect all network
> cables of the host) the two other hosts go to a loop where they try to
> verify the status of the host C by issuing power management commands to the
> host C. Since power of host is off the server iLO does not respond on the
> network and the power management of host C fails, leaving the VMs that were
> running on the host C in an unknown state and they are never restarted to
> the other hosts.
> Is there any fencing option to change this behavior so as if both
> available hosts fail to do power management of the unresponsive host to
> decide that the host is down and to restart the VMs of that host to the
> other available hosts.
No, this is a bad assumption. Perhaps they are the ones isolated form it?

> I could also add additional power management through UPS to avoid this
> issue but this is not currently an option and I am interested to see if
> this behavior can be tweaked.
> Thanx,
> Alex
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list