[ovirt-users] ovirt-guest-agent issue on rhel5.5

2015-01-27 Thread John Michael Mercado
Hi All,

I need your help. Anyone who encounter the below error and have the
solution? Can you help me how to fix this?

10:22:53,247::ovirt-guest-agent::57::root::Starting oVirt guest agent
10:22:53,248::ovirt-guest-agent::138::root::Unhandled exception in oVirt
guest agent!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/ovirt-guest-agent.py", line 132, in ?
agent.run(daemon, pidfile)
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/ovirt-guest-agent.py", line 63, in run
self.agent = LinuxVdsAgent(config)
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/GuestAgentLinux2.py", line 371, in
AgentLogicBase.__init__(self, config)
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/OVirtAgentLogic.py", line 171, in
self.vio = VirtIoChannel(config.get("virtio", "device"))
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/VirtIoChannel.py", line 150, in
self._stream = VirtIoStream(vport_name)
  File "/usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/VirtIoChannel.py", line 131, in
self._vport = os.open(vport_name, os.O_RDWR)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm issue

2014-10-26 Thread John Michael Mercado
inThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,688::utils::738::root::(execCmd)
/sbin/ip route show to table all (cwd None)
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,690::utils::758::root::(execCmd)
SUCCESS:  = '';  = 0
14:24:06,699::netconfpersistence::158::root::(_clearDisk) Clearing
/var/run/vdsm/netconf/nets/ and /var/run/vdsm/netconf/bonds/
14:24:06,699::netconfpersistence::166::root::(_clearDisk) No existent
config to clear.
14:24:06,699::netconfpersistence::182::root::(save) Saved new config
RunningConfig({}, {}) to /var/run/vdsm/netconf/nets/ and
14:24:06,700::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
14:24:06,700::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
14:24:06,705::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
14:24:06,705::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
14:24:06,706::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
14:24:06,706::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
Calling setupNetworks with networks ({}) and bond ({}).
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,710::utils::738::root::(execCmd)
/sbin/ip route show to table all (cwd None)
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,712::utils::758::root::(execCmd)
SUCCESS:  = '';  = 0
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,713::utils::738::root::(execCmd)
/sbin/ip route show to table all (cwd None)
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,715::utils::758::root::(execCmd)
SUCCESS:  = '';  = 0
14:24:06,724::api::621::setupNetworks::(setupNetworks) Setting up network
according to configuration: networks:{}, bondings:{},
options:{'_inRollback': True, 'connectivityCheck': False}
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,724::api::625::root::(setupNetworks)
Validating configuration
14:24:06,727::api::637::setupNetworks::(setupNetworks) Applying...
14:24:06,728::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
14:24:06,728::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing
config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,728::utils::738::root::(execCmd)
/sbin/ip route show to table all (cwd None)
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,730::utils::758::root::(execCmd)
SUCCESS:  = '';  = 0
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,740::utils::738::root::(execCmd)
/sbin/ip route show to table all (cwd None)
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-24 14:24:06,742::utils::758::root::(execCmd)
SUCCESS:  = '';  = 0
14:24:06,750::netconfpersistence::158::root::(_clearDisk) Clearing
/var/run/vdsm/netconf/nets/ and /var/run/vdsm/netconf/bonds/
14:24:06,750::netconfpersistence::166::root::(_clearDisk) No existent
config to clear.
14:24:06,750::netconfpersistence::182::root::(save) Saved new config
RunningConfig({}, {}) to /var/run/vdsm/netconf/nets/ and
call readMultipathConf with () {}
return readMultipathConf with ['# RHEV REVISION 1.0', '', 'defaults {', '
 polling_interval5', 'getuid_callout  "/sbin/scsi_id
--whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/%n"', '    no_path_retry
fail', 'user_friendly_names no', 'flush_on_last_del
  yes', 'fast_io_fail_tmo5', 'dev_loss_tmo30',
'max_fds 4096', '}', '', 'devices {', 'device {', '
 vendor  "HITACHI"', 'product "DF.*"',
'getuid_callout  "/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted
--replace-whitespace --device=/dev/%n"', '}', 'device {', 'vendor
   "COMPELNT"', 'product "Compellent Vol"', '
 no_path_retry   fail', '}', '}']
call hbaRescan with () {}
14:24:49,746::hba::54::Storage.HBA::(rescan) Rescanning HBAs
14:24:49,747::hba::56::Storage.HBA::(rescan) Issuing lip
14:24:49,758::hba::56::Storage.HBA::(rescan) Issuing lip
return hbaRescan with None

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Dan Kenigsberg  wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 03:01:40PM +0800, John Michael Mercado wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need your help. Everytime the vdsm start, the server become *read-only
> >  file system*. My OS installed in SAN storage.
> Could you share more details about your platfor? Is it el6?
> Which vdsm version is running there? Did it work better with a previous
> version?
> Do you have anything in /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log? and supervdsm.log?
> Vdsm may be restoring the host network configuration to some outdated
> values that break the connection to you SAN storage.
> Dan.
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm issue

2014-10-26 Thread John Michael Mercado
Hi Dan,

Yes it is el6. VDSM version currently working without
problem vdsm- but for the version
vdsm-4.14.17-0.el6.x86_64 it's failing. I
used ovirt-engine-3.4.3-1.el6.noarch version.

Please see attached file vdsm.log and supervdsm.log

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Dan Kenigsberg  wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 03:01:40PM +0800, John Michael Mercado wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need your help. Everytime the vdsm start, the server become *read-only
> >  file system*. My OS installed in SAN storage.
> Could you share more details about your platfor? Is it el6?
> Which vdsm version is running there? Did it work better with a previous
> version?
> Do you have anything in /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log? and supervdsm.log?
> Vdsm may be restoring the host network configuration to some outdated
> values that break the connection to you SAN storage.
> Dan.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,291::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,291::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,326::supervdsmServer::390::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Making sure I'm root - SuperVdsm
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,327::supervdsmServer::399::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Parsing cmd args
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,327::supervdsmServer::402::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Cleaning old socket /var/run/vdsm/svdsm.sock
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,327::supervdsmServer::406::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Setting up keep alive thread
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,327::supervdsmServer::412::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Creating remote object manager
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,329::supervdsmServer::423::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Started serving super vdsm object
sourceRoute::DEBUG::2014-10-08 18:27:24,330::sourceRouteThread::56::root::(_subscribeToInotifyLoop) sourceRouteThread.subscribeToInotifyLoop started
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 14:29:26,601::supervdsmServer::430::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Terminated normally
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,443::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,444::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,464::supervdsmServer::390::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Making sure I'm root - SuperVdsm
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,464::supervdsmServer::399::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Parsing cmd args
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,464::supervdsmServer::402::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Cleaning old socket /var/run/vdsm/svdsm.sock
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,464::supervdsmServer::406::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Setting up keep alive thread
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,465::supervdsmServer::412::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Creating remote object manager
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,466::supervdsmServer::423::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Started serving super vdsm object
sourceRoute::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:41:52,466::sourceRouteThread::56::root::(_subscribeToInotifyLoop) sourceRouteThread.subscribeToInotifyLoop started
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-10 16:48:19,748::supervdsmServer::430::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Terminated normally
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,220::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,227::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,251::supervdsmServer::390::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Making sure I'm root - SuperVdsm
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,251::supervdsmServer::399::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Parsing cmd args
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,251::supervdsmServer::402::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Cleaning old socket /var/run/vdsm/svdsm.sock
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,251::supervdsmServer::406::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Setting up keep alive thread
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,251::supervdsmServer::412::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Creating remote object manager
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,253::supervdsmServer::423::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Started serving super vdsm object
sourceRoute::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:18:09,253::sourceRouteThread::56::root::(_subscribeToInotifyLoop) sourceRouteThread.subscribeToInotifyLoop started
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 16:54:37,110::supervdsmServer::430::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Terminated normally
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 17:59:06,550::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 17:59:06,551::netconfpersistence::134::root::(_getConfigs) Non-existing config set.
MainThread::DEBUG::2014-10-13 17:59:06,571::supervdsmServer::390::SuperVdsm.Server::(main) Making sure I'm root - Supe

[ovirt-users] vdsm issue

2014-10-24 Thread John Michael Mercado
Hi All,

I need your help. Everytime the vdsm start, the server become *read-only
 file system*. My OS installed in SAN storage.

I also got this error when i add the hosts "Host installation failed.
Network error during communication with the host."

Here are some errors i got in /var/log/messages:

Oct 24 14:24:27  init: libvirtd main process (3394) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27  init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27  init: libvirtd main process (3410) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27  init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27  init: libvirtd main process (3416) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3420) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3425) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3434) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3439) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3443) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3447) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3457) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process ended, respawning
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd main process (3461) terminated with status 1
Oct 24 14:24:27 init: libvirtd respawning too fast, stopped
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 1:0:2:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:64.
Oct 24 14:24:54 multipathd: 8:64: mark as failed
Oct 24 14:24:54 multipathd: 3600507680281077d681c: remaining
active paths: 5
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:1:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:1:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:96.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:2:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:112.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 1:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:32.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 1:0:1:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:48.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:80.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:2:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:112.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 2:0:1:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:96.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: sd 1:0:2:0: rejecting I/O to offline device
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:64.
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: Buffer I/O error on device dm-2, logical block
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: lost page write due to I/O error on dm-2
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: Buffer I/O error on device dm-2, logical block
Oct 24 14:24:54 kernel: lost page write due to I/O error on dm-2

Hope you can help me.

Users mailing list