Re: [ovirt-users] Domain name in use? After failed domain setup?

2017-08-07 Thread Schorschi
Well, not sure this legit to try, but did try it.. And it seemed to 
work, I was able to recreate the storage domain as needed...  Access the 
database, and find the bogus storage domain.  I figured out the table 
names from other discussions about accessing the database directly to 
clean up storage domains that are broken or bogus.

# su - postgres
$ psql engine

engine=# select id, storage_name from storage_domain_static;
  id  |  storage_name
 072fbaa1-08f3-4a40-9f34-a5ca22dd1d74 | ovirt-image-repository
 3e81b68f-5ddd-49a3-84e5-7209493b490a | Datastore_01
 2b6d2e60-6cfb-45cd-a6e1-8cf38ad2bf34 | Datastore_02
 66f9539a-d43a-4b0b-a823-c8dafa829804 | Datastore_03
 1878bd36-7bca-4d6b-9d39-fe99ba347115 | Datastore_04
 aa5542bd-b43a-4ae6-a996-208c10842878 | Datastore_05
(6 rows)

Delete the 'Datastore_02' storage domain...  Maybe someone can explain 
why the same id is in two different tables?  That seems odd?

engine=# delete from storage_domain_dynamic where 

engine=# delete from storage_domain_static where 


Then I was able to remove the connection...  Still have no idea why I 
could not remove the domain and connection via ovirt shell, as noted 
before in previous mail discussion...

[oVirt shell (connected)]# show storageconnection 

id : 21fbad73-f855-48fc-8949-e5d6b077eb83
address: crazy
nfs_version: auto
path   : /storage/nfs/datastore_02
type   : nfs

[oVirt shell (connected)]# remove storageconnection 

job-id  : ba9094ee-8d6e-438b-b774-601540320768
status-state: complete

I also had to clean up the file system under the connection... since it 
appears the file system structure was created BEFORE the error resulted 
that kicked off this, that is also a bug, IMHO, since it should have 
cleaned up the files created, but the storage domain was never FULLY 
established.  This is something oVirt has never done... cleaned up will 
after errors... I remember all the way back in version 3.0 if not 
before, how clean up is never done well.  This is an example apparently.

A suggestion... is the master is not 100% active, and a request to 
create a new domain is queued, does it not make sense, the failure 
should be graceful, clean up the database, and the file system below the 
storage domain?  Would see to be a very 'user' friendly thing to do.  I 
mean, this a way to protect both the environment and the user from a 
typical issue.  The same should be done for attach of domain, i.e. the 
storage domain and storage connection clean up, if error results.

If there still some junk in the database I need to cleanup, please let 
me know?

On 08/07/2017 20:01, Schorschi . wrote:

Bit more information...

[oVirt shell (connected)]# list storagedomains

id : 2b6d2e60-6cfb-45cd-a6e1-8cf38ad2bf34
name   : Datastore_02

This is the new domain that failed, since the master was not 100% 
up/initialized, but does NOT appear in the UI of course.  When I try 
to remove it..

[oVirt shell (connected)]# remove storagedomain Datastore_02

  status: 400
  reason: Bad Request

Not sure why this error results.  So looked for a connection?  Was 
surprised to find one, given nothing in the UI...

]# show storageconnection 21fbad73-f855-48fc-8949-e5d6b077eb83

id : 21fbad73-f855-48fc-8949-e5d6b077eb83
address: crazy
nfs_version: auto
path   : /storage/nfs/datastore_02
type   : nfs

[oVirt shell (connected)]# remove storageconnection 

  status: 409
  reason: Conflict
  detail: Cannot remove Storage Connection. Storage connection 
parameters are used by the following storage domains : Datastore_02.

This is really a nasty catch 22?  I can't delete the storage domain, 
because there is a storage connection active?  But I can't delete the 
connection because the storage domain exists?  Any suggestions how 
resolve this?


On 08/07/2017 19:48, Schorschi . wrote:

Domain name in use?  After failed domain setup?

I attempted to create a new domain, but I did not realize

Re: [ovirt-users] Domain name in use? After failed domain setup?

2017-08-07 Thread Schorschi .

Bit more information...

[oVirt shell (connected)]# list storagedomains

id : 2b6d2e60-6cfb-45cd-a6e1-8cf38ad2bf34
name   : Datastore_02

This is the new domain that failed, since the master was not 100% 
up/initialized, but does NOT appear in the UI of course.  When I try to 
remove it..

[oVirt shell (connected)]# remove storagedomain Datastore_02

  status: 400
  reason: Bad Request

Not sure why this error results.  So looked for a connection?  Was 
surprised to find one, given nothing in the UI...

]# show storageconnection 21fbad73-f855-48fc-8949-e5d6b077eb83

id : 21fbad73-f855-48fc-8949-e5d6b077eb83
address: crazy
nfs_version: auto
path   : /storage/nfs/datastore_02
type   : nfs

[oVirt shell (connected)]# remove storageconnection 

  status: 409
  reason: Conflict
  detail: Cannot remove Storage Connection. Storage connection 
parameters are used by the following storage domains : Datastore_02.


This is really a nasty catch 22?  I can't delete the storage domain, 
because there is a storage connection active?  But I can't delete the 
connection because the storage domain exists?  Any suggestions how 
resolve this?


On 08/07/2017 19:48, Schorschi . wrote:

Domain name in use?  After failed domain setup?

I attempted to create a new domain, but I did not realize the master 
domain was 100% initialized.  The new domain creation failed.  But it 
appears the new domain 'name' was used.  Now I cannot create the new 
domain as expected.  I get UI error that states, "" which can only be 
true if the domain name is in the database, because it is definitely 
no visible in the UI.  This is quite frustrated, because it appears 
the new domain 'creation' logic is broken, if the new domain fails to 
be created, the database should not have junk domain name, right?  I 
call this an ugly bug.  That said, I really need to remove this junk 
domain name so I can use the correct name as expected.


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Domain name in use? After failed domain setup?

2017-08-07 Thread Schorschi .

Domain name in use?  After failed domain setup?

I attempted to create a new domain, but I did not realize the master 
domain was 100% initialized.  The new domain creation failed.  But it 
appears the new domain 'name' was used.  Now I cannot create the new 
domain as expected.  I get UI error that states, "" which can only be 
true if the domain name is in the database, because it is definitely no 
visible in the UI.  This is quite frustrated, because it appears the new 
domain 'creation' logic is broken, if the new domain fails to be 
created, the database should not have junk domain name, right?  I call 
this an ugly bug.  That said, I really need to remove this junk domain 
name so I can use the correct name as expected.

Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Created cluster, deleted Data-Center, Recreated Data-Center, Attempted to re-create Cluster (Same Name As Old Cluster), Now Fails

2017-08-05 Thread Schorschi
Created cluster object, deleted Data-Center object, Recreated 
Data-Center object, Attempted to re-create Cluster object (Same Name As 
Old Cluster), Now Fails.

Error message...
Error while executing action: Cannot create Cluster. Cluster name is 
already in use.

How to I remove existing cluster entry in ovirt database?


Users mailing list

[ovirt-users] Add CentOS 7 host fails during setup validation with 'Cannot locate vdsm package, possible cause is incorrect channels.'

2017-07-27 Thread Schorschi
Trying to add a CentOS 7 host to oVirt instance, but fails during setup 
validation with 'Cannot locate vdsm package, possible cause is incorrect 
channels.'  Of course, given this is oVirt (not RHEV) and CentOS not 
RHEL, there is not any RHEL applicable channel.  Anyone have this issue 
as well?

Version of KVM host (CentOS)...
Linux 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue 
Jul 4 15:04:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

Version of oVirt (and CentOS hosting oVirt)... Is release 4.1 per 
Linux 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue 
Jul 4 15:04:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

Any help appreciated.  Thanks.

Users mailing list

[Users] Created ovirt 3.3 node (3.1 hypervisor) ISO but not 100% right?

2013-09-18 Thread Schorschi
I created ovirt node ISO but it is not 100% right.  Boots, media check is
fine, the UI executes, can select disk device as expected, enter password,
etc.  When the install sequence starts. it just stops at 0% "Starting." then
nothing happens. Tried it with IDE, SATA, even SCSI, all local attached,
even tried it in a VM (nesting enabled, etc.), and same issue appears to
freeze.  Jumping to alternate consoles, all blank.  Tried to run install in
text mode, removed quiet and rhgb options from boot command-line, but the UI
takes over so no help.  When I generated the ISO image, did not notice any
errors, source platform for ISO image was Fedora 19 minimal install plus all
the adds as outlined on the ovirt node build documentation web page.  Anyone
run into the same odd issue?  Am able to install Fedora 19 on same hardware,
so can't see why node install would fail, since am able to select disk
drive, but can't write to it?  Very odd.

Users mailing list

[Users] Ovirt Node Automated Installation... full unattended installation?

2013-02-02 Thread Schorschi
Ok, reading the RHEV-H node automated installation, given the oVirt
documentation states the same automated installation parameters are
supported, I can't see to resolve one key issue.


First boot  of PXE configuration does an 'uninstall' to ensure no past
installation of oVirt node exists. this works 100% unattended.  However
using install or reinstall or local_boot (a.k.a. upgrade) or even firstboot
option, and even no option, on the APPEND command line via PXE, the
automated installation stops.  Waiting for interactive response?  Is this
the expected behavior?  Even just using init_storage and BOOTIF, the only
two required parameters, the automated process stops for interactive input?
So how do you do a completely automated installation with zero human
interactive action required?


Uninstall.  This works as expected.


KERNEL images/oVirt/2.5.5-0.1/vmlinuz0

APPEND rootflags=loop initrd=images/oVirt/2.5.5-0.1/initrd0.img
root=live:/ovirt-node-iso-2.5.5-0.1.fc17.iso rootfstype=auto ro liveimg
check rootflags=ro crashkernel=512M-2G:64M,2G-:128M elevator=deadline


Install.  This does not work as expected, per how the documentation implies
it should?


KERNEL images/oVirt/2.5.5-0.1/vmlinuz0

APPEND rootflags=loop initrd=images/oVirt/2.5.5-0.1/initrd0.img
root=live:/ovirt-node-iso-2.5.5-0.1.fc17.iso rootfstype=auto ro liveimg
check rootflags=ro crashkernel=512M-2G:64M,2G-:128M elevator=deadline
rd_NO_LVM rd.luks=0 storage_init=/dev/sda


Users mailing list

[Users] Steal Time Implemented?

2012-05-28 Thread Schorschi
Given 'Steal Time' was introduced in RHEL 6.3?  How long until same feature
set will be in oVirt Nodes?  Or is it already integrated?


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