I'm working in a group that maintains a large oVirt setup based on 4.4.1
which works very well. We are afraid of upgrading and prefer setting up a
new installation and gradually enlist the hosts one by one into the new

We have tried 4.4.10 and 4.5.1 - 4.5.4  based on CentOS Stream 8, Rocky 8,
Alma Linux 9.1 with various problems. Worst was the problem that the rpm db
ended up in a catch-22 state.

Using Alma Linux 9.1 and current oVirt 4.5.4 seems promising as no rpm
problems are present after installation. We have only one nuisance left
which we have seen in all installation attempts we have made since 4.4.10.
When rebooting a host it takes 10 minutes before it's activated again. In
4.4.1 the hosts are activated a few seconds after they have booted up.

I have found the following in the engine log:
2023-01-24 23:01:57,564+01 INFO
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-1513) [2bb08d20] Waiting 600
seconds, for server to finish reboot process.

Our ansible playbooks for deployment times out and we could increase the
timeout but how come that this 10 minutes delay has been introduced?

Does a config file exist where this timeout can be set to a lower value?

Peter H.
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