
Following the previous email, I think I'm hitting an odd problem, not
sure if it's my mistake or an actual bug.
1. Newly deployed 4.4 self-hosted engine on localhost NFS storage on a
single node.
2. Installation failed during the final phase with a non-descriptive
error message [1].
3. Log attached.
4. Even though the installation seemed to have failed, I managed to
connect to the ovirt console, and noticed it failed to connect to the
5. SSH into the hosted engine, and noticed it cannot resolve the host hostname.
6. Added the missing /etc/hosts entry, restarted the ovirt-engine
service, and all is green.
7. Looking the deployment log, I'm seeing the following message:
"[WARNING] Failed to resolve gilboa-wx-ovirt.localdomain using DNS, it
can be resolved only locally", which means the ansible was aware the
my DNS server doesn't resolve the host hostname, but didn't add the
missing /etc/hosts entry / and or errored out.

A. Is it a bug, or is it PBKAC?
B. What are the chances that I have a working ovirt (test) setup?

- Gilboa

[1] [ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts":
{"ovirt_vms": [{"affinity_labels": [], "applications": [], "bios":
{"boot_menu": {"enabled": false}, "type": "cluster_default"},
"cdroms": [], "cluster": {"href":
"id": "1ac7525a-b3d1-11ea-9c7a-00163e57d088"}, "comment": "", "cpu":
{"architecture": "x86_64", "topology": {"cores": 1, "sockets": 4,
"threads": 1}}, "cpu_profile": {"href":
"id": "58ca604e-01a7-003f-01de-000000000250"}, "cpu_shares": 0,
"creation_time": "2020-06-21 11:15:08.207000-04:00",
"delete_protected": false, "description": "", "disk_attachments": [],
"display": {"address": "", "allow_override": false,
"certificate": {"content": "-----BEGIN
CERTIFICATE-----\n", "organization": "localdomain", "subject":
"O=localdomain,CN=gilboa-wx-ovirt.localdomain"}, "copy_paste_enabled":
true, "disconnect_action": "LOCK_SCREEN", "file_transfer_enabled":
true, "monitors": 1, "port": 5900, "single_qxl_pci": false,
"smartcard_enabled": false, "type": "vnc"}, "fqdn":
"gilboa-wx-vmovirt.localdomain", "graphics_consoles": [],
"guest_operating_system": {"architecture": "x86_64", "codename": "",
"distribution": "CentOS Linux", "family": "Linux", "kernel":
{"version": {"build": 0, "full_version":
"4.18.0-147.8.1.el8_1.x86_64", "major": 4, "minor": 18, "revision":
147}}, "version": {"full_version": "8", "major": 8}},
"guest_time_zone": {"name": "EDT", "utc_offset": "-04:00"},
"high_availability": {"enabled": false, "priority": 0}, "host":
{"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/5ca55132-6d20-4a7f-81a8-717095ba8f78",
"id": "5ca55132-6d20-4a7f-81a8-717095ba8f78"}, "host_devices": [],
"href": "/ovirt-engine/api/vms/60ba9f1a-cdb1-406e-810d-187dbdd7775c",
"id": "60ba9f1a-cdb1-406e-810d-187dbdd7775c", "io": {"threads": 1},
"katello_errata": [], "large_icon": {"href":
"/ovirt-engine/api/icons/a753f77a-89a4-4b57-9c23-d23bd61ebdaf", "id":
"a753f77a-89a4-4b57-9c23-d23bd61ebdaf"}, "memory": 8589934592,
"memory_policy": {"guaranteed": 8589934592, "max": 8589934592},
"migration": {"auto_converge": "inherit", "compressed": "inherit",
"encrypted": "inherit"}, "migration_downtime": -1,
"multi_queues_enabled": true, "name": "external-HostedEngineLocal",
"next_run_configuration_exists": false, "nics": [], "numa_nodes": [],
"numa_tune_mode": "interleave", "origin": "external",
"original_template": {"href":
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}, "os": {"boot":
{"devices": ["hd"]}, "type": "other"}, "permissions": [],
"placement_policy": {"affinity": "migratable"}, "quota": {"id":
"27d40902-b3d1-11ea-80f7-00163e57d088"}, "reported_devices": [],
"run_once": false, "sessions": [], "small_icon": {"href":
"/ovirt-engine/api/icons/0676b521-5b2b-4474-9394-8e9e8e3b426f", "id":
"0676b521-5b2b-4474-9394-8e9e8e3b426f"}, "snapshots": [], "sso":
{"methods": [{"id": "guest_agent"}]}, "start_paused": false,
"stateless": false, "statistics": [], "status": "unknown",
"storage_error_resume_behaviour": "auto_resume", "tags": [],
"template": {"href":
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}, "time_zone": {"name":
"Etc/GMT"}, "type": "server", "usb": {"enabled": false}, "watchdogs":
[]}]}, "attempts": 24, "changed": false, "deprecations": [{"msg": "The
'ovirt_vm_facts' module has been renamed to 'ovirt_vm_info', and the
renamed one no longer returns ansible_facts", "version": "2.13"}]}
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing

Attachment: ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-20200621104808-oojs7o.log.gz
Description: application/gzip

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