Hi Lukasz,

Thank you for testing the new Incrementa backup feature.

For those kinds of questions, it is better to send the mail to +users
<users@ovirt.org> list so other people can learn/answer the question.

Please see my comments inline.

On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 15:55, Łukasz Kołaciński <l.kolacin...@storware.eu>

> Dear Eyal Shenitzky
> Could you help me with setting up ovirt 4.4? I am trying to implement
> incremental backups to our application and I have some questions.
> 1. First of all I am using mostly this documentation:
> https://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/storage/incremental-backup.html
> and I saw session on youtube. Are there any other sources of knowledge?

Currently no, those are the two best resources for this feature at this
Note that we updated
so now it contains up-to-date information about all the operations that
need to be done with the Engine in order to use this feature.

> 2. I can't change fields on diskattachment with PUT Method (to set
> incremental in backup field). I think I tried in every way and I am getting
> 405 Method Not Allowed.

Please try the following request -

PUT path-to-engine


> 3. When I am using REST API to get info about checkpoints with "GET
> /vms/vm-uuid/checkpoints/" I am getting response: "Could not find resource
> for full path". So this looks like something is not enabled or missing.

There is no 'checkpoints' service under any path at this moment, so the
path you are using is not valid.

There is a backups service that you can find under -

GET path-to-engine/ovirt-engine/api/vms/vm-uuid/backups

To get a single backup you can use

GET path-to-engine/ovirt-engine/api/vms/vm-uuid/backups/backup-uuid

We are now working on exposing also the checkpoints service to allow
removal of checkpoints, but this isn't ready yet.

> 4. I don't understand what ticket-uuid in imageio API is. How can I get
> dirty bitmaps after full backup? And how to use it because there is not
> "images" resource on /ovirt-engine/api/

Please look and the example script we developed in order to use this
feature -


Using this script you will be able to do all the needed operations in order
to back up a VM.
There is a very detailed manual for it (when using --help / -h).

This script can interact with ImageIO in order to download the backup disks
using the new 'client' library in ImageIO.
You can use it as a reference on how to interact with the Engine API and

> On my environment I have:
> CentOS 8.2
> ovirt
> libvirt 6.0.0-17
> qemu-kvm 4.2.0
> kvm 4.2.0-19
> vdsm 4.40.16-1

It looks like you have the correct versions in order to use Incremental
backup, but remember that the
Engine blocks incremental backup operations and allows only full backup by
In order to allow incremental backup in the engine, you need to do the
following commands -

# engine-config -s "IsIncrementalBackupSupported=true"
# systemctl restart ovirt-engine

> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Best regards,
> Łukasz Kołaciński
> Junior Java Developer
> e-mail: l.kolacin...@storware.eu
> <m.helb...@storware.eu>
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Eyal Shenitzky
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