Hello Ovirt users,

How do I unlock a storage domain? The underlying NFS volume had filled up (I 
corrected that).

I tried to reactivate the storage domain (it had deactivated to the volume 
filling up)  but then it went into a locked state

According to df -h: 8.0T  6.0T  2.1T  75%   # 6T used, 2.1T free

Ovirt thinks it only has 6.0T as is full (well, 1GB free, which is now false, 
but I can't convince it other wise). (I increased the size of the volume after 
VMs went into pause due to it filling up).

Now no hosts wants to be the SPM... So my ovirt managed data center is down 
until I reactivate the NFS storage domain (that is the master).

The storage domain reverts back to an inactive state after a while, but 
whenever I try to reactivate it goes to the locked state.

Dwight Schauer
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