
We're running oVirt 4.1.9 (I know it's not the recommended version, but we can't upgrade yet) and recently we had an issue with a Storage Domain while a VM was moving a disk. The Storage Domain went down for a few minutes, then it got back.

However, the disk's state has stuck in a 'Migrating: 10%' state (see ss-2.png).

I run the 'unlock_entity.sh' script to try to unlock the disk, with these parameters:

# PGPASSWORD=... /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/unlock_entity.sh -t disk -u engine -v b4013aba-a936-4a54-bb14-670d3a8b7c38

The disk's state changed to 'OK', but the actual state still states it's migrating (see ss-1.png).

Calling the script with -t all doesn't make a difference either.

Currently, the disk is unmanageable: cannot be deactivated, moved or copied, as it says there's a copying operation running already.

Could someone provide a way to unlock this disk? I don't mind modifying a value directly into the database, I just need the copying process cancelled.

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